1867 Chester M. Rowell Jr. 16706 1983-07-16
United States, Texas, Caldwell, approximately 7 mi SE Lockhart, on Mr M Carlton's farm
1868 Chester M. Rowell Jr. 16706 1983-07-16
United States, Texas, Caldwell, approximately 7 mi SE Lockhart, on Mr M Carlton's farm
9863 Stanely D. Jones 8295 1992-04-19
United States, Texas, Tyler, 200 m W on US 190 from its junction with FR 256 (northbound), west of Woodville
TEX00197549 William R. Carr 18960 2000-05-08
United States, Texas, Travis, 200-1000 ft. N of corral area at old windmill, ca. 3.5 airmiles SSE of RM 1826 bridge over Slaughter Creek, ca. 4.7 airmiles E of RM 1826 bridge over Bear Creek, on Edwards 118 Tract (a Prop 2 tract). Signal Hill Quadrangle., 30.16528 -97.87667
TEX00197550 William R. Carr 18900 2000-04-25
United States, Texas, Travis, Along N-S boundary fence between Tabor and Edwards 82 tracts (Prop 2 lands), ca. 0.6 airmiles N to NNE of Jct. Bliss Spillar Rd. and Gunsmith Rd, ca. 4.0 airmiles SSE of RM 1826 bridge over Slaughter Creek. Signal Hill Quadrangle., 30.15611 -97.87722
TEX00321579 Eula Whitehouse XY 33 1933-03-30
United States, Texas, Wilson, Lavernia.
TEX00321580 William M. Thompson|Alan Graham 46 1958-04-28
United States, Texas, Wilson, 5 mi. S of Nixon on hwy 97 at Roadside park.
TEX00321581 Robert Runyon 3432 1939-04-07
United States, Texas, Bee, Near Beeville, on the Double D Ranch.
TEX00321582 Fred A. Barkley|Burford L. Westlund|Chester M. Rowell, Jr. 47027 1947-05-04
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Two miles north of West Point in gravely marsh, southern exposure in open grassy base of canyon.
TEX00321583 A. L. Ripple 51-710 1950-04-08
United States, Texas, Fayette, Muldoon.
TEX00321584 Paul A. Fryxell 4949 1986-04-23
United States, Texas, Austin, San Felipe de Austin, in woodland., 29.887024 -96.277909
TEX00321586 Marshall C. Johnston 6228c 1961-01-01
United States, Texas, Victoria, 4 miles w-sw of Victoria on U.S. highway 59.
TEX00321588 Frank W. Gould 6780 1955-04-20
United States, Texas, Jackson, On grassy road right of way; 4 miles east of Edna.
TEX00321589 Robert E. Lee High School s.n. 1930-01-01
United States, Texas, Harris, Goose Creek.
TEX00321590 Floyd R. Waller, Jr.|T. Campbell|A. Crenshaw 2688 1974-05-21
United States, Texas, Harris, Lawns and roadsides, Third Street, Seabrook.
TEX00321592 Robert Runyon 4727 1960-04-09
United States, Texas, San Patricio, Collected at "Welder Wildlife Refuge, Sinton. Abundant in places on open ground.
TEX00321593 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1931-03-23
United States, Texas, San Patricio, Sinton.
TEX00321594 Alfred Traverse 1263 1959-05-06
United States, Texas, San Patricio, Welder Wildlife Foundation, N of Sinton. Near road at closest approach of road to Pollito Lake.
TEX00321595 Raymond J. Fleetwood 9019 1967-03-29
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Brazoria Nat'l Wildlife Refuge. Kitchel Woods.
TEX00321596 Raymond J. Fleetwood 9449 1969-04-08
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Brazoria Refuge, between Big Slough & Wheat Field.
TEX00376036 Guy L. Nesom|John L. Neff 6230 1988-04-08
United States, Texas, Wilson, Ca. 11 mi NW of Nixon on FM Rd. 1681, 4.0 mi SE of jct with Hwy 123.
TEX00376037 Carl Clarence Albers 46Ph048 1946-05-12
United States, Texas, Goliad, Goliad county.
TEX00376039 J. F. Sinclair s.n. 1940-01-01
United States, Texas, Kleberg, Kingsville.
TEX00376040 William R. Carr|J. Kolb 7242 1986-04-15
United States, Texas, Travis, SE corner of 10th and Lavaca, downtown Austin.
TEX00376041 Ferdinand Lindheimer 1204 1850-01-01
United States, Texas, Comal, Comanche Spring; New Braunfels, etc.
TEX00376042 Fred A. Barkley|Chester M. Rowell, Jr. 47030 1947-05-04
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Southern exposure on hillside two miles north of West Point.
TEX00376044 Judy Blanch 60 1962-04-21
United States, Texas, Dewitt, Two miles southwest of Cuero under old Guadalupe bridge.
TEX00376046 Pete Abrigo s.n. 1963-03-23
United States, Texas, Victoria, 18 miles northeast of Victoria on banks of Arenosa Creek.
TEX00376051 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 5047 1987-04-15
United States, Texas, Liberty, On E side of FM 1008, just N of crossing of Bowie Creek, ca. 3.5 mi N of downtown Dayton, formerly a fragipan flatwoods forest, Liberty 7.5' Quad., 30.08389 -94.86111
TEX00376052 Matt W. Turner 12 1993-04-10
United States, Texas, San Patricio, 7.5 m. N of Sinton on Hwy 77, directly in front of gate to Welder Wildlife Refuge on east side of hwy.
TEX00376054 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 5561 1929-03-17
United States, Texas, Aransas, Rockport-Bayside.
TEX00376057 Mrs. A. F. Nelson s.n. 1942-04-14
United States, Texas, Galveston, Galveston Co.
TEX00431097 David J. Rosen 4736 2008-04-23
United States, Texas, Matagorda, Franzen Prairie: private property on and SE of the intersection of FM 1095 and Oyster Lake Road, E of the town of Collegeport.
TEX00440210 Randi Winter 118 1980-04-26
United States, Texas, Travis, University of Texas campus. Grassy mall near 26th and Speedway.
TEX00457131 Kathy Bruce s.n. 1994-04-25
United States, Texas, Matagorda, On Mad Island Marsh Preserve (see map for location).
TEX00457135 William R. Carr 17448 1998-04-22
United States, Texas, Matagorda, Mad Island Marsh Preserve: 0.8 mi. SW of its jct. with main NW-SE road., 28.65 -96.09194
TEX00461000 David J. Rosen|B. D. Fair 5544 2012-03-30
United States, Texas, Fort Bend, Brazos Bend State Park, on and E of FM 762, 2.5 km N of its intersection with FM 1462, ca. 50 km SW of the city of Houston. Management Area 6, in the southern extent of the park (Management Unit 6)., 29.36771 -95.62897
TEX00464508 David J. Rosen|S. Lawrence 5989 2013-04-12
United States, Texas, Galveston, Plants of Galveston Island State Park. Improved hiking trail through scrubby hummock that runs NS between Oak Bayou and Butterowe Bayou., 29.20327 -94.95985
TEX00465983 David J. Rosen|Jason R. Singhurst 5717 2012-05-17
United States, Texas, Wharton, Native hay meadow; on and NW of the intersection of FM 2674 and CR 320, about 12.4 km S of the town of El Campo., 29.09601 -96.28574
TEX00467056 William R. Carr 32470 2013-04-02
United States, Texas, Colorado, Ca. 1.1 airmiles SW of mouth of Harvey Creek at Colorado River. Borden Quadrangle., 29.72202 -96.67702
TEX00469532 Cate Bergman 676 2004-04-20
United States, Texas, Lee, CR 320 - 0.3 milesN of junction with FM 696, ca. 0.5 mile N of Lexington. East side of the road., 30.42517 -97.01533
TEX00476857 William R. Carr 34773 2015-05-05
United States, Texas, Fort Bend, Ca. 0.15 airmiles SE of Old Richmond Rd. bridge over Red Gully, W part of Cullinan Park in Sugar Land., 29.63244 -95.67061
TEX00478163 William R. Carr 32552 2013-04-15
United States, Texas, Fayette, S side of Williams Creek, ca. 0.3 mi S of jct. Kruppa Rd. and Guenther Rd, ca. 1.4-1.5 airmiles E of jct. US Rt. 77 and F. M. 2436 south of La Grange. Swiss Alp Quadrangle., 29.83625 -96.88633
TEX00478860 Alice Le Duc 471 2015-04-20
United States, Texas, Hays, Collected on Freeman Ranch along road into lodge across from TSU Ag. Dept. farm (veg. growing area).
TEX00499704 William R. Carr|Kendall Keyes 35311 2016-03-29
United States, Texas, Goliad, Ca. 0.4-0.5 airmiles E of US 183 bridge over San Antonio River, in SW corner of Kelly Tract of Goliad State Park., 28.65089 -97.36756
TEX00544992 David J. Rosen 7132 2019-05-05
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Private property on and south of FM 213, 3.2 miles east of its intersection with FM 523, about 5 miles east of the town of Angleton., 29.161177778 -95.348227778
TEX00557091 Tracey A. Ruhlman|In-Su Choi|Robert K. Jansen RCJ 101 2019-05-03
United States, Texas, San Jacinto, NW corner of Douglas Circle, ca. 1/2 mile W of junction with County Road 980, ca. 1.7 air miles W of Lake Livingston., 30.77194 -95.20056
TEX00561110 David J. Rosen 7498 2021-03-24
United States, Texas, Matagorda, Hawkins Ranch. About 750’ S of Middle Pasture Road, .8 miles SW of its intersection with Farm Road, about 1.7 miles S of Farm Gate on FM 521., 28.861922222 -95.777555556
TEX00576688 Kathryn McAleese KNM0128 2022-05-05
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Smithville, 78957. 403 Old Antioch Rd. Stengl Biological Station, near laboratory building., 30.08681 -97.17321
Herbertia lahue subsp. caerulea (Herbert) Goldblatt
BRITWORK24794 Shirley D. Lusk s.n.363 1995-05-07
United States, Texas, Denton, Eastern edge of city of Denton, Cooper Creek Road, 1 mi. north of U.S. 380, east side of Alan and Dorothy Thetford prairie.
Herbertia lahue subsp. caerulea (Herbert) Goldblatt
BRIT217593 Christine R. Hoffmann 83 1988-04-18
United States, Texas, Smith, The University of Texas at Tyler (UTT) Campus, near sci bldg.
Herbertia lahue subsp. caerulea (Herbert) Goldblatt
BRIT217592 Rex Nunn 26 1990-04-01
United States, Texas, Smith, [No additional locality data on sheet]
OKLA106039 J. R. Beck s.n. 1950-06-26
United States, Texas, Kleberg, Sta. Gertrudes [Santa Gertrudis] division, King Ranch