Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00147415 Collins, J. Franklin; Fernald, Merritt L. 4056-A 1906-07-18
Canada, Québec, La Haute-Gaspésie, Mt. Albert, trail from river
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00151228 Rolland-Germain, Fr. 12 1949-07-13
Canada, Québec, Les Pays-d'en-Haut, Saint-Adolphe-d'Howard, marge inférieure de la tourbière sur le rebord de l'escarpement
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00152424 Rousseau, Jacques; Pomerleau, René; Rousseau, François 19 1949-08-02
Canada, Québec, Jamésie (hors MRC), Monts Otish, flanc abrupt et boisé du Pic Rousseau, 52.3687 -70.5309
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00152486 Rousseau, Jacques; Pomerleau, René; Rousseau, François 417A 1949-08-10
Canada, Québec, Jamésie (hors MRC), Monts Otish, flanc du pic Rousseau, près de la zone subalpine, 52.3687 -70.5309
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00152517 Rousseau, Jacques; Pomerleau, René; Rousseau, François 38 1949-08-02
Canada, Québec, Jamésie (hors MRC), Monts Otish, flanc du pic Rousseau, 52.3687 -70.5309
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00152537 Rousseau, Jacques; Pomerleau, René; Rousseau, François 417 1949-08-10
Canada, Québec, Jamésie (hors MRC), Monts Otish, flanc du pic Rousseau, près de la zone subalpine, 52.3687 -70.5309
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00152846 Stenholm, Carl sn 1924-08-05
Sweden, Norra Sverige, Jämtland Län, Jämtland, Åre [Municipality], Storlien
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00152848 Bauer, Ernest sn 1899-06-11
Germany, Auf[?] Glimmerschiefer der Hohen Seewand bei Eisenstein im Böhmerwalde, 1300m
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00152850 Bauer, Ernest sn 1896-08-19
Auf faulen Strünken und Felsen am Ufer des grossen Arbersees im Böhmerwalde, 900m
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00152851 Lorenz, Annie 15 1905-07-29
United States, New York, Essex County, Mt Marcy, 1158m
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00154447 Jones, Daniel A.; Wilson, John C.; Rhodes, Philip G.M., Pr. sn 1910-06-00
United Kingdom, Wales, Gwynedd County, Cwm Bochlwyd, Carnarvonshire [Caernarfonshire]
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00155986 Brisson, Samuel 531 1961-07-23
Canada, Québec, Le Fjord-du-Saguenay, Mont Valin, sommet
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00155987 Brisson, Samuel 532 1961-07-23
Canada, Québec, Le Fjord-du-Saguenay, Mont Valin, sommet
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00156702 Rolland-Germain, Fr. 4 1949-07-13
Canada, Québec, Les Pays-d'en-Haut, Saint-Adolphe-d'Howard, Comté d'Argenteuil
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00157393 Baxter, Dow V. 10 et 11 1947-07-09
Canada, Labrador, Division No. 10, Labrador, Cartwright
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00172431 Marie-Victorin, Fr.; Rolland-Germain, Fr. 18308 1924-08-08
Canada, Québec, Sept-Rivières, Sept-Îles, Côte-Nord, Grosse Boule
Mylia taylorii (Hooker) Gray (Hooker) Gray
MT00172442 Marie-Victorin, Fr.; Rolland-Germain, Fr. 18278a 1924-08-08
Canada, Québec, Sept-Rivières, Sept-Îles, Grosse Boule, Comté de Saguenay
12130 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Schofield, M. I. 1979-07-00
Canada, British Columbia, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mine Mountain, above Tasu., 52.75 -132
12131 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Vitt, Dale H; Horton, Diana G 1979-06-00
Canada, British Columbia, Pitt Island. Holmes Lake, S shore.
12132 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Schofield, M. I. 1979-07-00
Canada, British Columbia, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mine Mountain, above Tasu., 52.75 -132
12133 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Schofield, M. I. 1979-07-12
Canada, British Columbia, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. W side of Fairfax Inlet, embayment and peninsula, Tasu Sound, ca. 1 mi from Tasu., 59.6666679382 -132
12134 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Schofield, M. I. 1979-07-00
Canada, British Columbia, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mine Mountain, above Tasu., 52.75 -132
12135 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Vitt, Dale H; Horton, Diana G 1979-06-26
Canada, British Columbia, Kaien Island, ca. 0.5 mi N of E end, near Gallaway Rapids., 54.25 -130.3333282471
12136 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Godfrey, G. A. 1978-02-06
Canada, British Columbia, Headwaters of Nelson Creek, above Horseshoe Bay, M. Howe Sound.
12137 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1965-08-13
Canada, British Columbia, Calvert Island. Slopes of Mt. Buxton.
12138 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Schofield, M. I. 1982-06-17
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island. Ca. 10 km S of Tofino., 49.1666679382 -125.9166641235
12139 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Vaarama, Antero 1964-06-10
Canada, British Columbia, Bigsby Inlet, SE Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 52.6166666667 -131.75
12140 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1966-06-30
Canada, British Columbia, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mountain at head of W branch of Braverman Creek, Peel Inlet area., 52.9833335876 -132.0833282471
12141 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Vaarama, Antero 1964-06-14
Canada, British Columbia, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Blackwater Creek, near junction with Mamin River, S of Juskatla.
12142 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Donovan, L; McIntosh, T T 1980-11-01
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island. Grappler Inlet, Bamfield, near old reservoir lake of Marine Station., 48.8333320618 -125.0833358765
12143 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1961-04-23
Canada, British Columbia, Ca. 12 mi N of Ucluelet, on Tofino Road.
12144 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1966-06-26
Canada, British Columbia, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Near Brent Creek., 53.3333320618 -132.25
12145 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1967-07-30
Canada, British Columbia, N Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Eden Lake, central E side., 53.8333320618 -132.8000030518
12146 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1970-04-13
Canada, British Columbia, Wakeman Sound, Kingcome Inlet., 51 -126.5333328247
12147 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1967-06-25
Canada, British Columbia, W Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Virgalias Cove, Port Louis., 53.7000007629 -132.9666595459
12148 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1961-08-22
Canada, British Columbia, NE side of Hibben Island, NW coast of Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands.
12149 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1967-07-25
Canada, British Columbia, W Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Goose Cove area, Athlow Bay., 53.5833320618 -132.9166717529
12150 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1967-07-02
Canada, British Columbia, W Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. "Laing Point" Mountain Range, Peel Inlet., 52.9833335876 -132.0833282471
12151 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1966-07-11
Canada, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands. NW Moresby Island, "Blue Heron" Cove, just N of Sunday Inlet, 52.6666679382 -132
12152 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1970-04-13
Canada, British Columbia, Ilahic Inlet, near head., 50.6666679382 -127.6666641235
12153 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1970-04-14
Canada, British Columbia, Robinson Island. Brandon Point, mouth of Blunden Harbour., 50.9000015259 -127.2833328247
12154 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1967-07-30
Canada, British Columbia, Central northern Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Jalun Lake., 53.9666671753 -132.8333282471
12155 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1969-02-24
Canada, British Columbia, Mouth of Lausmann Creek, head of Queen's Reach, Jervis Inlet.
12156 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1970-04-11
Canada, British Columbia, Safety Cove, Calvert Island.
12157 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1970-01-07
Canada, British Columbia, Head of Indian Arm, Vancouver area.
12158 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Halbert, R L 1969-10-02
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island. S side of Zuciarte Channel, E of Discovery Point, Nootka Sound., 49.5833320618 -126.5333328247
12159 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1967-07-27
Canada, British Columbia, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Near Griffith Point, ca. 4 mi S of Massett., 53.9166679382 -132.1333312988
12160 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1966-07-02
Canada, British Columbia, West Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Goose Cove, Athlow Bay., 53.5833320618 -132.9166717529
12161 Williams, Dave 1964-07-08
Canada, British Columbia, Road to lighthouse, Cape Scott.
12162 Boas, Frank M. 1964-11-15
Canada, British Columbia, Prince Rupert water reservoir.
12163 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Sharp, Aaron J. 1964-09-10
Canada, British Columbia, Inver Creek, Skeena River area.
12164 Vitt, Dale H 1975-06-30
Canada, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands, Moresby Island, NE cove Moresby Lake., 52.9333343506 -132.1000061035, 95 - 153m
12165 Halbert, R L; Price, N 1971-08-11
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island. NW shore of Brooks Peninsula, S of Guilliams Island., 50.1500015259 -127.8499984741
12166 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1964-08-01
Canada, British Columbia, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mountain at W end of Mosquito Lake.
12167 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1966-07-03
Canada, British Columbia, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. S side of West Narrows, Skidegate Channel., 53.1666679382 -132.4166717529
12168 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1977-06-00
Canada, British Columbia, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Goose Cove, Athlow Bay., 53.5833320618 -132.9166717529
12169 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1977-05-24
Canada, British Columbia, Lausmann Creek mouth waterfall, near head of Queens Reach, Jervis Inlet, 50.2000007629 -123.9833297729
12170 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1977-05-24
Canada, British Columbia, Lausmann Creek mouth waterfall, near head of Queens Reach, Jervis Inlet, 50.2000007629 -123.9833297729
12171 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1966-07-10
Canada, British Columbia, NW Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Kootenay Inlet., 52.8333320618 -132.25
12172 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Williams, R D 1965-08-10
Canada, British Columbia, Long lake at N base of Mt. Buxton.
12173 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1961-05-17
Canada, British Columbia, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Near entrance to East Narrows Skidegate Channel.
12174 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1966-06-22
Canada, British Columbia, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Trail to E coast from Tow Hill., 54.0499992371 -131.9166717529
12175 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Schofield, M. I. 1979-07-09
Canada, British Columbia, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Tasu, Goroing Island, Tasu Sound., 52.75 -132
12176 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Schofield, M. I. 1979-07-00
Canada, British Columbia, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mine Mountain above Tasu., 52.75 -132
12177 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Vitt, Dale H; Horton, Diana G 1979-06-25
Canada, British Columbia, Lewis Island, N side, 54.02 -130.253
12178 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1986-07-30
Canada, British Columbia, Coho Bay; mouth of Coho Creek., 50.9000015259 -127.2333297729
12179 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Spence, John R 1985-08-05
Canada, British Columbia, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Bog ca. 3 mi S of Masset on main highway., 54 -132
12180 Vitt, Dale H; Malmer, N; Slack, Nancy G; Horton, Diana G 1983-07-00
Canada, British Columbia, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. SE of Prospect Lake, 53.9666671753 -131.75, 60m
12181 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Spence, John R 1985-08-07
Canada, British Columbia, Louise Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Lakes at head of Skedans Creek, N of Mt. Carl., 52.9166679382 -131.75
12182 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1986-08-15
Canada, British Columbia, Mt. McNeil., 54.5833320618 -130.25, 832 - 914m
12183 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1974-10-19
Canada, British Columbia, Brandywine Falls, N of Garibaldi Station.
12185 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Belland, René J. 1992-06-30
Canada, New Brunswick, Fundy National Park. Kinney Brook Canyon, 45.5499992371 -64.9833297729
12186 Belland, René J.; Schofield, Wilfred B. 1992-06-30
Canada, New Brunswick, Fundy National Park. Near end of Kinney Brook Trail., 45.5999984741 -64.9833297729
12187 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Belland, René J. 1987-07-30
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, S end of Annieopsquotch Mountains., 48.3333320618 -57.5
12188 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Belland, René J.; Jamieson, D W 1988-07-04
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Gross Morne National Park. Above first cascade, just above Baker's Brook Falls., 49.6333351135 -57.9000015259
12189 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1991-07-07
Canada, Nova Scotia, Inverness Co., MacIntosh Brook., 46.8166656494 -60.7666664124
12190 Hedderson, Terry A. J 1989-06-20
Canada, Quebec, Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve. Ile Quarry, NE side of Cap du Noroit. Site 35., 50.2166671753 -63.8333320618
12191 Tuomikoski, R; Kucyniak, James 1947-08-03
Canada, Quebec, East coast of Hudson Bay, Bill of Portland Island, Manitounuk Sound., 55.3499984741 -77.7666702271
22935 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1970-01-07
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver area; head of Indian Arm
22936 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Schofield, M. I. 1982-06-17
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, ca. 10 km S of Tofino, 49.1666679382 -125.9166641235
37755 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Ellis, Shona; Schofield, M. I. 2002-06-21
Canada, British Columbia, Masset Inlet, mouth of Awun River, Awun Bay, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.5833320618 -132.5333404541
105357 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Ellis, Shona; Schofield, M. I. 2002-06-20
Canada, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands: 20 km S of Masset, Graham Island, 53.7999992371 -132.1499938965
105849 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Ellis, Shona; Schofield, M. I. 2002-06-18
Canada, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands: ca 11 km. S of Masset along highway, Graham Island, 53.8333320618 -132.1499938965
112161 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Ellis, Shona; Schofield, M. I. 2002-06-21
Canada, British Columbia, Masset Inlet, Ship Island, near Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.7666664124 -132.25
164907 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1986-08-11
Canada, British Columbia, Banks Island, Kooryet Bay, 53.3333333333 -129.8666666667