Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Senecio scalaris var. carmenensis
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-5 of 5

pilotorch2 - Now TEX for TORCH Georef testing

TEX00063985Mark H. Mayfield|Brook G. Milligan|C. McCall   14431992-05-19
Mexico, Coahuila, Sa del Carmen, on the N side of the N-most peaks of Cerros El Centinela; ca 3.5 air Km N of Canyon El Centinela Creek and 4.8 Km S of Canyon El Jardin (NE end of Sa el Jardin), 29.1125 -102.59333

TEX00063986Richard Spellenberg|C. Moore   99541989-07-07
Mexico, Coahuila, Sa el Carmen ca 20 air mi S of U.S. border, ca 1 Km N of Campo Dos in NS running Canon el Moreno (=Cn. Dos; Cn. Corte Madera), 28.99583 -102.6125

TEX00063987Miguel Agustín Carranza|J. Noriega P.|L. García   13521992-03-28
Mexico, Coahuila, Ocampo, Sa Maderas del Carmen, Rancho El Secadero, 29 -102.33333

TEX00306343F. Lyle Wynd|Cornelius H. Mueller   5461936-06-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Acuna, Sa del Carmen, Canyon de Centinela on Hacienda Piedra Blanca, 28.94306 -102.39806

TEX00306346Tom Wendt|Anne Adamcewicz   5021974-08-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Sa Maderas del Carmen, at Campo El Tres, an abandoned logging camp in the high country, 29 -102.6

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