Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Chamaesyce villifera (Euphorbia villifera, Euphorbia villifera var. nuda)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 140

Botanical Research Institute of Texas - TEST

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
BCNWR00664Charles W. Sexton   4411995-10-03
United States, Texas, Burnet, Nagel Tract; Creek Bank., 30.6217 -98.0588

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
BCNWR00663Charles W. Sexton   4511995-05-23
United States, Texas, Travis, Rodgers Tract; Bee Cr., 30.58458 -98.0282

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
BCNWR00662Charles W. Sexton   4571995-04-26
United States, Texas, Travis, Rodgers Tract., 30.58458 -98.0282

MASS test

00432011C. G. Pringle   1897-08-30
Mexico, Puebla

00432010E. Palmer   1880-08-19
Mexico, Coahuila, Caracol Mountains

00432009G. L. Webster   1949-08-07
United States, Texas, Travis

pilotorch2 - Now TEX for TORCH Georef testing

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00036230Edward Palmer   309181926-06-15
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Davis Mountains.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00036232Mark H. Mayfield|Burford L. Westlund   17261993-06-20
United States, Texas, Edwards, Kickapoo Caverns State Park; along first major draw on the W side of high hill in NE corner of park, N of main park road (dirt)., 29.63583 -100.42861

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00036234Victor L. Cory   426281943-07-10
United States, Texas, Real, 4 1/4 mi. above Hackberry, Nueces River.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00036236Edward Palmer   122721917-06-15
United States, Texas, Kendall, Near Boerne.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00036237Mark H. Mayfield|Burford L. Westlund   17511993-06-28
United States, Texas, Kinney, Kickapoo Caverns State Park. In first major W-draining draw to the S of the lodge and barn area to its confluence with the main N-S running creek to the W of the lodge., 29.60722 -100.45389

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00036238Sullivan|Billie Lee Turner   361958-06-21
United States, Texas, Uvalde, Garner State Park.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00036239Christopher L. York|Gertrude P. York   552631955-07-03
United States, Texas, Bell, Twin Mt. development area, ca. 6 mi. W of Belton.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00036240Barbara Ertter|James W. Grimes|Eric Roberts   46611982-10-09
United States, Texas, Hays, Several miles S of Wimberley on Rt. 12.

TEX00036241Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges   101571989-05-31
United States, Texas, Travis, Ca. 2 mi. upstream from Barton Springs in Zilker Park and 2.5 mi. from Colorado R, ca. 0.5 mi. NE of Loop 360 bridge over creek; Barton Creek Greenbelt, Oak Hill 7.5 ' Quad., 30.24861 -97.79639

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00043057Billie Lee Turner   98-3911998-09-04
United States, Texas, Sutton, 7 miles west of Sonora along IH 10 at the Sonora Caverns exit, north side, along feeder road.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00043167Billie Lee Turner|Steve J. Siedo   98-3001998-08-22
United States, Texas, Culberson, 2.5 miles west of Ban Horn at roadside park along IH 10.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00043199Billie Lee Turner   98-4401998-09-27
United States, Texas, Val Verde, 3 miles west of Langtry along highway 90.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00043204Billie Lee Turner   98-4931998-10-12
United States, Texas, Schleicher, Southwesternmost part of county, 3 miles north of Sutton Co. line along hiway 2129.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00048154Billie Lee Turner   98-4861998-10-12
United States, Texas, Sutton, Easternmost part of county, 2.2 mi. north on Harrell Rd exit from IH 10.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00048155Ferdinand Lindheimer   11491851-01-01
United States, Texas, Comal, Type locality. Comanche Spring: New Braunfels. etc.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00048156Billie Lee Turner   98-4461998-09-27
United States, Texas, Val Verde, 3 miles west of Langtry along highway 90.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091618Mark H. Mayfield|Brook G. Milligan|C. McCall   14231992-05-18
Mexico, Coahuila, S of the Musquiz-Boquillas Hwy on the new mine rd ca 15 air Km NW of La Babia; on the N face slope of Sa La Encantada in arroyo to the E side of mine rd in highest switchback before tunnel, 28.51111 -102.325

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091627Sandra Aguilar Ruíz|Diana L. Doan-Crider   671991-07-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Acuna, Rancho El Rincón, on SW margin of Serranías del Burro (part of Sa del Carmen), ca 80 Km SE of Big Bend National Park, Texas; Mpio Villa Acuña, 28.66667 -102.25

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091632E. M. Marsh   9681936-09-19
Mexico, Coahuila, Palm Canyon

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091633David H. Riskind   22741977-08-20
Mexico, Coahuila, Acuna, Serranías del Burro, Rancho El Bonito, 29.025 -102.125

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091634Mark H. Mayfield|Guy L. Nesom|J. Hinton   14741992-06-03
Mexico, Coahuila, Muzquiz, Sa del Carmen, Los Lirios, cañón con arroyo temporal, 28.9 -102.5

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091635Mark H. Mayfield|Guy L. Nesom|J. Hinton   14751992-06-04
Mexico, Coahuila, Muzquiz, Ca 140 rd Km NW of Muzquiz, on Coa Hwy 2A (Mzq-Boquillas), Cuesta del Plomo area, ca 3 rd Km S along rd originating just SE of crest of 2A, 28.71944 -102.51389

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091636Marshall C. Johnston|Tom Wendt|Fernando Chiang C.   115031973-06-28
Mexico, Coahuila, Sa de Jimulco, N side, 25.18333 -103.19167

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091643Marshall C. Johnston|Fernando Chiang C.|Tom Wendt|David H. Riskind   11947-A1973-07-31
Mexico, Coahuila, Cañón El Club at and above Rancho El Club in a tributary of Cañón de Centinela, S de Pico of Centinela, 29.075 -102.525

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091646Ernest G. Marsh   771935-01-01
Mexico, Coahuila

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091647Ernest G. Marsh   871935-01-01
Mexico, Coahuila

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091648Ivan M. Johnston   91531941-08-16
Mexico, Coahuila, Cañon de La Charretera, Sa de la Madera, along the rd up the open main canyon

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091649Marshall C. Johnston|Tom Wendt|Fernando Chiang C.   10300-A1973-03-19
Mexico, Coahuila, La Favorita Ranch, N slope of Canon Bonanza, SE end of Sa de la Purisima, 26.41667 -101.5

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091650Guy L. Nesom   42691981-08-03
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Ca 30 Km ENE of Dr Arroyo, 8 Km ENE of San Antonio de Peña Nevada; W base of Cerro Peña Nevada

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091651George B. Hinton   272441998-10-03
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Doctor Arroyo, San Josecito, below

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091652L. David Flyr   15391970-08-05
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Doctor Arroyo, 18 mi E of Matehuala on rd to Dr Arroyo

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091653George B. Hinton   203821990-06-16
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Aramberri, Arramberri

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091654Reed C. Rollings|Rolla M. Tryon   58501958-10-15
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Aramberri, 28 mi S of Monterrey

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091655Cornelius H. Mueller|Cornelius H. Muller   4571933-07-19
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Sa Madre Mts

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091656George B. Hinton   208261990-10-17
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Rayones, Galeana -> Rayones

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091657George B. Hinton   208261990-10-17
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Rayones, Galeana -> Rayones

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091658Edwin L. Bridges|Lindsay Woodruff   131121990-04-06
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, on W side of Méx 57 in sharp turn, 4.3 Km S of rd to Puerto Méx, ca 4.5 air Km E of El Prado, 10 Km S of Coahuila state line, ca 20 Km NW of San Rafael; Cerro Atravesado, Huachichil, 25.14417 -100.69111

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091659J. G. Graham|Marshall C. Johnston   4253-C1959-10-10
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, 11 mi E of Linares on the rd to Guadalupe; not far from the Tamaulipas line

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091660George B. Hinton   228581993-06-15
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Rayones, Rayones, nr.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091661Guy L. Nesom|Mark H. Mayfield|George B. Hinton   77011993-09-21
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, Ca 20 Km N of San Rafael, W-facing slope along W edge of Mts, ca 2 Km E of Village of La Becerra

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091662George B. Hinton   214541991-09-13
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Iturbide, Iturbide -> Camarones

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091663Cornelius H. Mueller|Mary T. Mueller   2931934-05-10
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Sa Madre Oriental, San Francisco Canyon, about 15 mi SW of Pueblo Galeana

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091664George B. Hinton   238391993-11-09
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Aramberri, (La Escondida->Aramberri) ->Dolores

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091665George B. Hinton   233341993-09-18
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, La Poza, Río de San José

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091666Jackie M. Poole|J. Hinton|Kevin C. Nixon   22861981-05-16
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Ca 13.2 Km W of Iturbide, along the rd from San Roberto jct to Linares

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091667Guy L. Nesom|Mark H. Mayfield|George B. Hinton   76261993-09-18
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, Ca 4 Km NW of Village of Río San José, N side of Río San José river bed, 24.63333 -99.9

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091668Mary Taylor   1691936-08-14
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, Hacienda Pablillo, Galeana

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091669Billie Lee Turner|F Davies   A-151979-08-20
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, NE lowermost slope Cerro Potosí, along rd to microwave station, ca 12 mi NW of Galeana

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091670Jackie M. Poole|J. Hinton|Kevin C. Nixon   22861981-05-16
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Ca 13.2 Km W of Iturbide, along the rd from San Roberto jct to Linares

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091679G. Hinton B.   184701983-06-27
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, El Carrizo

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091688Manuel Yáñez   3691985-08-19
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 2 Km al SW de La Hincada

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091689Fernando Chiang|Tom Wendt|Marshall C. Johnston   81691972-06-30
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Immediately N of the Minas de San Rafael, 22.21667 -100.26667

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091690John R. Crutchfield|Marshall C. Johnston   5646-C1960-09-19
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 37 mi E of San Luis Potosí on the Río Verde Hwy.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091691J. A. Soule|D. R. Brunner   22141990-07-11
Mexico, Guanajuato, hills E of reservoir on rd to Vergel del Guadalupe off rte 57 N of San Luis de la Páz, 21.16667 -100.5

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091692Mayfield|Alice L. Hempel|Alice Jack   8031991-07-13
Mexico, Hidalgo, 6.5 Km by air ENE of Jacala between Cuesta Colorado and El Pinalito on Méx 85, at a sharp bend in the rd, 21.02444 -99.13472

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091693Mayfield|Alice L. Hempel|Alice Jack   8331991-07-13
Mexico, Hidalgo, 5 air Km SSW of Jacala, on Méx 85 on the SW shoulder of Cerro Hoya La Zarca, rd changes orientation from E-W to NW-SE at the site, also 5.0 air Km N of Durango, 20.95417 -99.22222

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091694Mayfield|Alice L. Hempel|Alice Jack   8421991-07-14
Mexico, Hidalgo, 3.5 air Km SW of Zimapán on rd to Estanzuela, 20.72278 -99.405

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091695Mary Taylor Edwards   7461937-08-11
Mexico, Hidalgo, Jacala de Ledezma

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091696Harold E. Moore|C. E. Wood   37841948-07-08
Mexico, Hidalgo, Puerto de la Zorra, near Km 284 on Hwy NE of Jacala

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091697Fred R. Barrie   8691984-08-05
Mexico, Hidalgo, Jacala de Ledezma, 9 Km S of Jacala, on Hwy 85 to Zimapán, 20.96667 -99.2

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091698Mayfield|Alice L. Hempel|Alice Jack   8801991-07-16
Mexico, Puebla, 10 Km al N de Azumbilla carr a Esparza, 18.68333 -97.4

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091699A. Le Duc|Marcia Sydor|Alice L. Hempel|Lindsay Woodruff   233-A1992-08-01
Mexico, Puebla, 17 mi S of Tehuitzingo

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091700Cyrus Guernsey Pringle   66841897-08-30
Mexico, Puebla, Near Tehuacan

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091701George B. Hinton   64861934-08-23
Mexico, Guerrero, Coyuca de Benitez, Jaripo. Dto Coyuca, 18.3468 -100.707

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00091702Luis G. Hernandez S.   24411990-07-07
Mexico, Chiapas, Comitán de Dominguez, 11 Km al SW de Tzimol, camino a Uninajab

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00167947Laura L. Hansen   51362007-07-22
United States, Texas, Kendall, Old Tunnel Wildlife Management Area, SE corner of the property, at the sotol patch., 30.09928 -98.82045

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00197836Grady L. Webster|Burford L. Westlund   327091998-10-19
United States, Texas, Real, 7.5 roadmiles E of Leakey., 29.73333 -99.63333

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00198110Emily J. Lott|Sara M. Moore|C. E. Green   44542003-08-05
United States, Texas, Bexar, Government Canyon State Natural Area. Along trail which skirts base of hills in SE quadrant of GCSNA., 29.55833 -98.72472

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00198125Cornelius H. Muller   s.n.1932-07-30
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos Mtns. Upper Juniper Canon.

TEX00205413Thomas R. Van Devender|Ana L. Reina-Guerrero   2007-4832007-04-19
Mexico, Sonora, Agua Prieta, Cerro La Bruja, Rancho La Morita, 23 km W, 5.5 km S (by air) of Agua Prieta., 31.245 -109.80611

TEX00207480William R. Carr   234682004-07-26
United States, Texas, Terrell, On valley flat on W side of levee on W side of barracks at Oasis Ranch Preserve HQ, S side of main preserve road, ca. 1.3 airmiles W to ENE of St. Rt. 349 bridge over Independence Creek. Oasis Ranch Quadrangle., 30.46667 -101.80417

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00207933Carl Clarence Albers   491331949-08-31
United States, Texas, Burnet, LCRA Wheeler Park.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00209436Paul D. Turner   681995-08-24
United States, Texas, Travis, Travis County. Pflugerville W Quadrangle.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00210083Emily J. Lott|Susan P. Rankin   45662003-08-16
United States, Texas, Bexar, Government Canyon State Natural Area. Small W-facing cliff just off road which runs through W side of park along Government Creek., 29.58028 -98.76444

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00210085Emily J. Lott|Susan P. Rankin   4563 B2003-08-16
United States, Texas, Bexar, Government Canyon State Natural Area. Gravelly bed of Government Canyon at Dinosaur Walk area. Downstream from spring., 30.12389 -97.26417

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00211701Barton H. Warnock   W5791941-07-18
United States, Texas, Brewster, On top of Old Blue, Glass Mtns.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00256553Jerzy Rzedowski   437011987-08-13
Mexico, Guanajuato, 16 mi S of San Felipe

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00256554Sergio Zamudio Ruíz|E. Pérez Calix   622261991-03-02
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Ladera N del Cerro del Puente Buena vista. Mpio Villa de Juárez

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327814Barton H. Warnock   C6461938-08-31
United States, Texas, Brewster, In Basin of Chisos Mts.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327816Anton Helmer Berkman   s.n.1925-08-17
United States, Texas, Brewster, Ord Mts.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327817Cornelius H. Mueller   80811931-08-01
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos Mts., 29.267232 -103.283434

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327818Barton H. Warnock   T2021937-04-08
United States, Texas, Brewster, On Jim Nichol's Ranch, Glass Mts.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327842Anton Helmer Berkman   s.n.1925-08-08
United States, Texas, Brewster, Glass Mts.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327843Mary S. Young   s.n.1915-08-13
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos Mts.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327844A. M. Ferguson   s.n.1900-10-12
United States, Texas, Travis, Mts. above Austin.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327845Burford L. Westlund   481993-06-19
United States, Texas, Edwards, N of N gate of Kickapoo State Natural Area in first drainage.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327847Benjamin Carroll Tharp   s.n.1929-09-12
United States, Texas, Edwards, Vance.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327852Ferdinand Lindheimer   11481850-01-01
United States, Texas, Comal, New Braunfels.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327853William R. Carr   90341988-06-30
United States, Texas, Travis, On S bank of Barton Creek, 1.8 airmiles due S of jct. of Loop 360 and R.M. 2244. Austin West Quad.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327854Fred A. Barkley   134071943-07-23
United States, Texas, Travis, At Barton Springs Creek.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327855Burford L. Westlund   211991-09-21
United States, Texas, Travis, In flood plain of Bear Creek in Marbridge Ranch, near their new road cut across creek.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327856Fred A. Barkley   1448A1944-05-27
United States, Texas, Travis, E slope of mountain NW of Lake Austin.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327857Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Claude Marvin Rogers|et al.   48-4671948-10-08
United States, Texas, Travis, Bordering the Colorado River above Austin.

Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Small
TEX00327858Claude Marvin Rogers   65261948-10-08
United States, Texas, Travis, Near Lake Travis, 2 miles S of Travis Peak.

Page 1, records 1-100 of 140


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