3617 Stanely D. Jones 6064 1990-10-31
United States, Texas, Kleberg, north of Riviera, 0.4 mi E on FR 628 from its junction with US 77
3618 Joe Cornelius 1489 1982-06-02
United States, Texas, Throckmorton, approximately 21.7 km S Throckmorton, C Halpert Place
3619 Tommy C. Rosson 1615 1969-06-02
United States, Texas, Bailey, 10 mi E Arch, New Mexico
3620 Joe Cornelius 1645 1982-07-16
United States, Texas, Throckmorton, approximately 7.6 km N, 15.5 km E Throckmorton, Don Chandler Ranch
3621 Charles R. Ellis 270 1971-07-01
United States, Texas, Brown, 14 mi N Brownwwod on Hwy 183, 4 mi W Hwy 183 on FM 2273
3622 Jack W. Stanford 4027 1971-09-10
United States, Texas, Comanche, 3 mi N (by air) Beattie
3623 Jack W. Stanford 4027 1971-09-10
United States, Texas, Comanche, 3 mi N (by air) Beattie
3624 Jack W. Stanford 3965 1971-07-01
United States, Texas, Brown, 8 mi N, 4 mi W Owens
3625 D. U. Graham 523 1974-06-14
United States, Texas, Coke, 2 mi SW Silver on FM 2059
3626 Tommy C. Rosson 1659 1969-07-11
United States, Texas, Bailey, 12 mi WSW Muleshoe, Bridwell Ranch
6176 Stanely D. Jones 6596 1991-04-26
United States, Texas, Llano, southwest of Llano, 3.9 mi E on RR 152 from its junction with country road 107
BCNWR01203 Charles W. Sexton 1514 2000-06-14
United States, Texas, Travis, New Salem Tract; W swale., 30.51082 -98.0276
BCNWR01204 Charles W. Sexton 1514 2000-06-14
United States, Texas, Travis, New Salem Tract; W swale., 30.51082 -98.0276
TCSW001022 Albert Ruth 884 1922-05-20
United States, Texas, Tarrant, [No data]
TEX00188223 John R. Crutchfield|Marshall C. Johnston 5555B 1960-09-16
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Papalote de la Mirandena, 3 mi SSW of headquarters, Loreto Ranch, 24.33333
TEX00196187 William R. Carr 23338 2004-05-27
United States, Texas, Goliad, Both sides of main E-W road through NW pasture of Crow Ranch, ca. 500 ft. W of corral at No. 2 Windmill, ca. 1.1-1.2 airmiles NW of FM 2441 bridge over Elkins Branch. Melo Quadrangle., 28.59028 -97.41722
TEX00201483 William R. Carr 22677 2003-11-05
United States, Texas, Goliad, S side of main road on W half of Sarco Creek Ranch, just inside gate on W side of FM 2441 ca. 5.8-6.0 roadmiles S of Jct. US Rt. 183 (S of Goliad). Melo Quadrangle., 28.56355 -97.40925
TEX00201777 David S. Seigler|John E. Ebinger 14971 2001-05-23
United States, Texas, Dimmit, 8 mi. W of Artesia Wells. 0.5 mi. W of laboratory at the Chaparral Wildlife Management Area.
TEX00207568 W. A. Silveus 124-A 1931-05-04
United States, Texas, Nueces, Corpus Christi., 27.8006 -97.3964
TEX00316861 McMurry s.n. 1936-06-20
United States, Texas, Hartley, 13 miles south of Dalhart.
TEX00316862 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Walter V. Brown GR-233 1947-09-10
United States, Texas, Moore, Sand hills, 20 mi. S of Dumas.
TEX00316863 Chester M. Rowell, Jr. 4212 1955-06-29
United States, Texas, Hemphill, 5 miles east of Canadian.
TEX00316864 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 5841 1929-06-17
United States, Texas, Wheeler, Mobeetie.
TEX00316867 E. L. Reed 3789 1934-07-08
United States, Texas, Terry, Wellman., 33.048428 -102.427967
TEX00316869 Lena McKee s.n. 1927-01-01
United States, Texas, Wichita, Wichita Falls.
TEX00316870 William R. Carr|David D. Diamond 11242 1991-06-05
United States, Texas, Taylor, On track along fenceline cut through woodland, upland at S end of Abilene State Recreation Area, ca. 2100 ft. S of county road ca. 0.3-0.4 mi. E of its jct. with F. M. 89. Lake Abilene Quadrangle., 32.225 -99.88306
TEX00316872 William R. Carr 14045 1994-06-28
United States, Texas, Brown, In woodland, both sides of NW-SE road, 0.5 mi. NW of its jct. with Gate 7 in annex, ca. 5.5 airmiles SSE to SE of jct. St. Rt. 45 and F. M. 2126 S of Brownwood. Camp Bowie Training Site (Texas National Guard). Indian Creek Quadrangle., 31.59167 -98.90694
TEX00316874 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Chester M. Rowell, Jr.|Fred A. Barkley 47325 1947-05-18
United States, Texas, Llano, Enchanted Rock.
TEX00316875 David W. Dunlap 54 1982-05-02
United States, Texas, Blanco, Site 4 at Pedernales Falls State Park.
TEX00316876 Reginald Rose-Innes|Brunelle R. Moon 1314 1941-06-22
United States, Texas, Frio, In railroad relict; Dilly., 28.867818 -99.108267
TEX00316878 R. D. Burr 183 1948-05-16
United States, Texas, Wilson, Western Wilson and eastern Bexar Cos., 29.283796 -98.261846
TEX00316879 Joe C. Johnson 868 1952-06-28
United States, Texas, Karnes, Roadside, 3 miles N of Karnes City, San Antonio River crossing, State Hwy. 123.
TEX00316880 Keith Peterson 45 1964-05-03
United States, Texas, Goliad, 5 miles north of Goliad on Highway 183, roadside.
TEX00316877 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 6706 1988-05-10
United States, Texas, Atascosa, Grazed shallow sand brushland, 0.5 mi. N of Co. Rd. from Co. Rd. extension of Spur 199, 4.3 mi. E of int. I-37, 4.9 mi. E of US 281, Pleasanton 7.5' Quad., 28.93611 -98.37556
TEX00316881 Marshall C. Johnston|Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Billie Lee Turner 3564 1954-05-02
United States, Texas, Dimmit, Seven miles northwest of Carrizo Springs.
TEX00316882 William Larrey McCart|Jimmy Sandoval|Jesus Ramos, Jr.|Javier Gutierrez|Beto Varela 9 1961-09-30
United States, Texas, La Salle, 6 miles west of Encinal.
TEX00316883 Marshall C. Johnston 542152 1954-11-24
United States, Texas, Jim Wells, Brushy prairie 12 miles north of Premont.
TEX00316884 W. A. Silveus 124 1931-05-04
United States, Texas, Nueces, Corpus Christi., 27.8006 -97.3964
TEX00316885 William R. Carr|Jerry Wermund 12711 1993-05-05
United States, Texas, Kleberg, NE side of road from Ramos Well to Arturo Well, 100 ft. SE of jct. with road running NNE to Pinto Well, i.e. ca. 1 airmile SE of Ramos Well. Pinto Pasture, King Ranch Training Area (Texas National Guard). Riviera Beach NW Quadrangle., 27.42167 -97.71611
TEX00316886 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 5229 1928-06-15
United States, Texas, Jim Hogg, 30 mi. S of Hebbronville.
TEX00316887 Marshall C. Johnston 541473 1954-09-13
United States, Texas, Brooks, Loose sand prairie at edge of live oak motte, 2.4 miles north of Encino.
TEX00316888 Marshall C. Johnston 5319.8 1953-06-19
United States, Texas, Kenedy, East of Triste well, near coast, Norias Division of King Ranch.
TEX00316889 Elzada U. Clover 926 1933-04-19
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, Monte Cristo region. Roadside.
TEX00316890 Robert Runyon 3385 1935-05-08
United States, Texas, Willacy, Collected at Yturria Station, near the highway.
TEX00316891 Raymond J. Fleetwood 8033 1964-10-01
United States, Texas, Cameron, Laguna Atascosa Natl. Wildlife Refuge, Stover Point Strip beyond turnabout.
TEX00316893 Paul D. Turner 114 1995-05-17
United States, Texas, Denton, In disturbed midgrass bordering Marshall Branch on U. S. Army Corps of Engineers property. Lewisville West Quad.
TEX00316892 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 11257 1989-08-01
United States, Texas, Wise, On E side of county road E of Big Sandy Creek, ca. 4 air mi. NE of Alvord and ca. 3.8 air mi. ESE of Park Springs; Post Oak Ridge, LBJ National Grassland, Sunset 7.5' Quad., 33.395 -97.75083
TEX00316894 Reginald Rose-Innes|Brunelle R. Moon 962 1941-06-07
United States, Texas, Parker, 31 miles northwest of Ft. Worth.
TEX00316896 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1941-06-12
United States, Texas, Erath, Erath County.
TEX00316897 William R. Carr 10695 1990-06-06
United States, Texas, Somervell, E bank of Paluxy River, SW corner of Dinosaur Valley State Park. Glen Rose West Quadrangle., 32.24417 -97.82083
TEX00316898 William Larrey McCart 217 1937-06-10
United States, Texas, Coryell, Near Gatesville.
TEX00316899 Logan D. Smith 942 1947-07-12
United States, Texas, McLennan, Northwest of Elm Mott in old thicket.
TEX00316901 Frank W. Gould 7611 1957-06-06
United States, Texas, Falls, On level graded roadside along oak woods; 3 miles south of Marlin.
TEX00316902 William R. Carr|Paul D. Turner 15350 1996-05-13
United States, Texas, Bastrop, S side of tract's main east road, 0.8 mi. N of its gate at St. Rt. 71 (ca. 1.4-1.5 roadmiles SE of Pope Bend Rd, or ca. 5.7-5.8 roadmiles SE of Travis Co. line), or ca. 1.5 airmiles NW of jct. St. Rt. 71 and F. M. 1209 NW of Bastrop. McKinney Roughs Trac, 30.14194 -97.4575
TEX00316903 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1938-04-12
United States, Texas, Gonzales, Ottine, Texas.
TEX00316905 P. B. Uzzell 62 1939-07-25
United States, Texas, Aransas, Aransas Refuge. 1 mile southwest of Spanish Village.
TEX00362834 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 89 1921-07-21
United States, Texas, Wichita, Red River above Burkburnett.
TEX00362835 Samuel Mills Tracy 7925 1902-05-19
United States, Texas, Taylor, Abilene, Texas., 32.448736 -99.733144
TEX00362836 Bella Shaeffer Freeborn|Rowena Elisabeth Freeborn 578 1943-04-13
United States, Texas, Jim Wells, Romarsid Ranch., 27.731338 -98.089886
TEX00362837 Marshall C. Johnston 5319.7 1953-07-04
United States, Texas, Kleberg, Live oak scrub near Mortilla Camphouse, Laureles Division of King Ranch.
TEX00362838 Marshall C. Johnston 5319.6 1953-08-07
United States, Texas, Kleberg, Sandy prairie, Santa Gertrudis Division of King Ranch.
TEX00362839 Marshall C. Johnston 5319.4 1953-09-14
United States, Texas, Kleberg, Sandy prairie, Santa Gertrudis Division of King Ranch.
TEX00362840 Marshall C. Johnston 54478 1954-04-16
United States, Texas, Kleberg, Brushy prairie, south end of Canelo Pasture, Santa Gertrudis Division of King Ranch.
TEX00362841 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Christopher L. York 51-64 1949-04-29
United States, Texas, Kleberg, Along roadside, 2.8 miles south of Bishop near King Ranch loading siding.
TEX00362842 D. G. LeLisle 950 1963-07-14
United States, Texas, Brooks, 11 miles north of Encino along hwy. no. 281.
TEX00362843 Frank W. Gould|Judd Morrow 6735 1954-11-19
United States, Texas, Brooks, Pasture 7 of the King Ranch, Encino Division, near South Sandhill Exclosure.
TEX00362844 Frank W. Gould|R. G. Reeves|Judd Morrow 6600 1953-05-27
United States, Texas, Brooks, In level sandy field with numerous other grasses; 2.5 miles east of Falfurrias, 1/4 mile east of airport.
TEX00362846 Ricardo Ramos|Luis Murillo 70 1965-04-10
United States, Texas, Brooks, 20 miles south of Falfurrias on U. S. 281.
TEX00362848 Marshall C. Johnston 541188 1954-07-09
United States, Texas, Brooks, 3.4 miles north of Encino.
TEX00362849 Marshall C. Johnston 5319.5 1953-09-14
United States, Texas, Kenedy, Norias Division of King Ranch.
TEX00362850 Marshall C. Johnston 54226 1954-03-12
United States, Texas, Kenedy, Saltillo Pasture, Norias Division of King Ranch.
TEX00362851 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 49054 1949-06-16
United States, Texas, Kenedy, El Toro Island, "mud flats" of the Laguna Madre., 26.934427 -97.472088
TEX00362852 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 49068 1949-06-16
United States, Texas, Kenedy, El Toro Island, "mud flats" of the Laguna Madre.
TEX00362854 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 48387 1948-05-26
United States, Texas, Kenedy, Laguna Madre, Stepping Stone Island No. 3.
TEX00362855 Hugh H. York s.n. 1907-03-20
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, Mercedes, Texas.
TEX00362857 Raymond J. Fleetwood 3670 1961-04-27
United States, Texas, Cameron, Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge.
TEX00362858 Raymond J. Fleetwood 7071 1963-11-13
United States, Texas, Cameron, Stover's Point, Laguna Atascosa Refuge.
TEX00362859 Robert Runyon 208 1929-05-14
United States, Texas, Cameron, Boca Chica near coast.
TEX00362860 William Larrey McCart 8981 1958-05-22
United States, Texas, Denton, N. T. S. U. Campus, Denton.
TEX00362861 Grady L. Webster|Claude Marvin Rogers 6500 1948-09-21
United States, Texas, Burnet, Near Granite Mountain, 3 miles northwest of Marble Falls.
TEX00362863 Hugh H. Duval 387 1930-08-01
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Bastrop County.
TEX00362864 James B. McBryde s.n. 1931-01-01
United States, Texas, Gonzales, Gonzales County.
TEX00362865 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1936-05-21
United States, Texas, Gonzales, Salt Flat, Gonzales County.
TEX00362866 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 9 1936-04-20
United States, Texas, Gonzales, Gonzales County.
TEX00362867 Marguerite Riedel s.n. 1941-09-26
United States, Texas, Dewitt, De Witt County.
TEX00362868 Marshall C. Johnston 5319.3 1953-06-11
United States, Texas, Aransas, Northern tip of Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.
TEX00431485 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|et al. 51-927 1951-06-02
United States, Texas, Travis, Watkins Ranch in N. W. Travis County above Cow Creek on Lake Travis.
TEX00442117 Joseph Bruni|Henry Dally|Lorenzo Garza 22 1963-03-23
United States, Texas, Webb, FR 1472, 15 mi. NW of Laredo.
TEX00443835 William R. Carr 25200 2006-09-28
United States, Texas, Brooks, Ca. 0.1-0.5 airmiles N to NW of R. M. 755 from a point ca. 1.7 roadmiles NE of Vargas Creek culvert, at N26o50'59.3", W98o19'40.6". Encinitos Ranch. Santa Elena SE Quadrangle., 26.84981 -98.32794
TEX00445843 William R. Carr|Clifford Carter|Wade Harrell|Jeremy Adler 24542 2006-06-06
United States, Texas, Bee, On terrace along W side of Aransas River, 2.9-3.0 airmiles NNE of mouth of Boggy Creek and 4.6-4.7 airmiles N to NNE of mouth of Papalote Creek. Papalote Quadrangle., 28.22942 -98.52711
TEX00446054 William R. Carr|Toddy Burns|Debbie Benesh|Lisa Williams 25370 2006-11-14
United States, Texas, Starr, Ca. 0.7 airmiles SE of jct. of Brooks, Jim Hogg and Starr counties, ca. 5.7 airmiles SW of R. M. 755 culvert on Vargas Creek, near N26o46'28.6", W098o24'59.7". Encinitos Ranch. Santa Elena Quadrangle., 26.77461 -98.41658
TEX00446142 William R. Carr 24591 2006-06-13
United States, Texas, Kleberg, Along southern perimeter fence on Naval Air Station Kingsville, ca. 0.6 airmiles NNE of jct. F. M. 1717 and F. M. 2619, ca. 1.1-1.2 airmiles E of jct. F. M. 1717 and F. M. 1720, from N27o28'07.0", W097o49'20.9" to N27o28'06.8", W097o49'16.8". Ricardo Quad, 27.46856 -97.82133
TEX00448262 Laura L. Hansen 6026 2008-06-03
United States, Texas, Coryell, Training Area 51, along the north side of Manning Mountain Road, 0.1 mile west of Stampede Creek crossing., 31.26884 -97.81723
TEX00450512 David J. Rosen|A. D. Caskey|A. Townsend 4876 2008-10-26
United States, Texas, Wharton, On and NW of the intersection of FM 2674 and CR 320, about 12.4km. S of the town of El Campo., 29.09601 -96.28574
TEX00453947 William R. Carr 28267 2009-07-09
United States, Texas, Cooke, Near old barn on E side of ranch's eastern canyon, ca. 1.3 airmiles SE of Co. Rd. 398 bridge over Clear Creek at Leo, ca. 1.0 airmiles N to NNE of jct. Cooke, Denton and Wise counties. LO Unit of Dixon Ranch., 32.44511 -97.38317
TEX00454208 William R. Carr|Brett Carre 20404 2001-10-31
United States, Texas, Wilson, W side of San Antonio River ca. 1.0-1.2 airmiles SSE of St. Rt. 97 bridge over San Antonio River, Rancho de las Cabras NHS, SW of Floresville. [Flora of San Antonio Missions NHP.]., 29.09583 -98.16611
TEX00463938 Laura L. Hansen 7224 2013-06-12
United States, Texas, Brown, NE of Brownwood, at Muse Wildlife Management Area, along Sandy Loop Road, near road that goes to Blind 12., 31.88864 -98.87099
TEX00467313 Linda J. Moss|Sally S. John Rajkumar|Alan W. Lievens 173 2012-07-12
United States, Texas, Wilson, W of Union Valley. 1 mi S of the jct of County Road 442 and FM 1681., 29.31215 -97.87777
TEX00476175 Muriel Lem MBL008 2011-04-27
United States, Texas, Caldwell, Near cattle guard on driveway; 3127 FM 3158., 29.8 -97.51667
TEX00481476 Laura L. Hansen 8671 2015-07-03
United States, Texas, McCulloch, Southeast of Brady and south of Voca, at Hansen Voca Ranch, on Farm Road 1851, 3.6 miles south of junction with Highway 71 and 1.5 miles east of Farm Road 1851.