Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Lechea tenuifolia (Lechea tenuifolia var. occidentalis)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 288

Botanical Research Institute of Texas - TEST

BRIT446650W. R. Carr   358382016-06-16
United States of America, Texas, Bastrop, Both sides of park Rd. 1-C ca. 0.15–0.2 Rd.miles S of jct. Old Antioch Rd. (Turkey Run Rd, CR 185), ca. 2.4–2.5 airmiles NNW of jct. TX-71 and FM 153, N part of Buescher State Park., 30.06863889 97.17322222, 152m

TCSW000716Albert Ruth   3991918-07-16
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Along R.R. above Polytechnic

MASS test

00376299B. A. Sorrie; V. T. Salzman   1989-10-25
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, NA, 42.2584267 -72.5745354

00377301D. M. Hunt   1992-07-18
United States, Massachusetts, Middlesex, NA, 42.3834286 -71.416172

00313506E. Jarvis   1836-08-10
United States, Massachusetts, Middlesex

00377300G. H. Tilton   1902-07-25
United States, Massachusetts, Middlesex, na

00323976Gina Barletta & Paul J. Godfrey   1994-09-22
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, Holyoke Range - south side of Bare Mountain, 42.3030006532 -72.5297186192

00377305H. E. Ahles   1978-07-11
United States, Connecticut, Middlesex, Ponset

00377303J. R. Lunt   1911-09-20
United States, Massachusetts, Norfolk, na

00315127K. B. Searcy   2007-08-15
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, Near where Lithia spring trail crosses the power line, west of Peak 531, 42.2910934292 -72.5788813497

00412756K. B. Searcy   2017-10-01
United States, Massachusetts, Franklin, ridge above Bull Hill Rd., 42.44646 -72.54361

00437156L. Andrews   1915-09-23
United States, Massachusetts, Hampden, Allen St.

00437157L. Andrews   1903-10-04
United States, Connecticut, Hartford, Hobart St. south in sand plains

00441066M. F. Rohman; P. J. Rohman   1984-08-03
United States, Massachusetts, Franklin, South side of Bull Hill; Mt. Toby Range.

00340730P. B. Weatherbee   1985-09-25
United States, Massachusetts, Dukes

00429390R. C. Bean   1945-09-10
United States, Massachusetts, Norfolk, Base of Blue Hill

00429391R. C. Bean   1946-09-07
United States, Massachusetts, Middlesex

00429548R. C. Bean   1915-09-11
United States, Massachusetts, Middlesex, Winter Pond

00429549R. C. Bean   1914-09-26
United States, Massachusetts, Middlesex, near Winter Pond

00377302R. E. Torrey   1916-10-15
United States, Massachusetts, Middlesex, na

00322204Robert I. Bertin   2006-07-19
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Powerline right-of-way SSW of Peppercorn Hill.

00433890Robert I. Bertin, Matthew G. Hickler and Karen B. Searcy   2018-06-27
United States, Massachusetts, Franklin, east side of Dry Brook, north of Rt. 10, 42.6741 -72.5095

00377304W. Deane   1894-10-13
United States, Massachusetts, Norfolk, na

00377309W. Oakes   0001-01-01
United States, Massachusetts, Essex, NA

00377310W. Oakes   0001-01-01
United States, Massachusetts, Essex, NA

00377308W. W. Denslow   0001-01-01
United States, Connecticut, New Haven, NA, 41.2826255 -72.8682435

00377306W. W. Denslow   1864-07-00
United States, Connecticut, New Haven, NA, 41.3082729 -72.9281578

00377307W. W. Denslow   1864-07-00
United States, Connecticut, New Haven, NA, 41.3082729 -72.9281578

pilotorch2 - Now TEX for TORCH Georef testing

TEX00159372Mark H. Mayfield|Thomas F. Patterson   18311993-10-08
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Aldama, E-ern side of Sa de Tamaulipas on main ridges of the Sa Borrada

TEX00159373Marshall C. Johnston|Tom Wendt|Fernando Chiang C.|David H. Riskind   118951973-07-28
Mexico, Coahuila, 17 Km by winding rd N of Rancho El Jardín, ca 5 Km SW of Mina El Popo; dissected E slope of Sa del Carmen, 29.175 -102.75

TEX00197995Emily J. Lott   43542003-07-28
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Bastrop State Park, NW side of Park, ca. 75 m N-NE of Pk Rd. 1B. Along trail which begins just opposite Cabin 7.

TEX00199425Barbara R. MacRoberts|Michael H. MacRoberts   46672000-08-02
United States, Texas, Anderson, N section of Engeling Wildlife Management Area.

TEX00207307Roger W. Sanders   63442003-10-24
United States, Texas, Hardin, Village Creek State Park. E edge of Lumberton. Yaupon Loop Trail in artificial opening for pipeline., 30.25 -94.16667

TEX00211498William R. Carr|Justin Davis|et al.   221482003-08-01
United States, Texas, Wood, Above E bank of Big Sandy Creek ca. 0.3-0.4 mi N of F. M. 1795 bridge, ca. 2.1-2.2 airmiles NNE of jct. F. M. 1795 and F. M. 2659. Shady Grove Quadrangle., 32.65625 -95.16653

TEX00212744Ferdinand Lindheimer   6771850-06-01
United States, Texas, Comal, New Braunfels.

TEX00290371William R. Carr|David Wolfe|Changxiang Liu   147631995-06-28
United States, Texas, Taylor, Ca. 2.8-2.9 airmiles SSE of jct. US Rt. 177 and F.M. 1235 at View. S end of Camp Barkeley Training Site (Texas National Guard). View Quadrangle., 32.29833 -99.87333

TEX00290372Barton H. Warnock   463861946-06-20
United States, Texas, Eastland, In oak thicket about two miles east of Cisco.

TEX00290373Heather L. White   4931998-05-15
United States, Texas, Llano, Hwy 71 just outside Llano near Texas Dept. of Health and Human Services.

TEX00290375Robert Runyon   16301937-04-10
United States, Texas, Willacy, End of Highway no. 96 in Willacy county. In the sand belt of Willacy county.

TEX00290377Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges   112541989-08-01
United States, Texas, Wise, On E side of county road E of Big Sandy Creek, ca. 4 air mi NE of Alvord and ca. 3.8 air mi ESE of Park Springs; Post Oak Ridge, LBJ National Grassland, Sunset 7.5' Quad., 33.395 -97.75083

TEX00290379Pauline Hoisington   1191946-06-25
United States, Texas, Erath, Behind science bldg. Campus, Stephenville., 32.21389 -98.22083

TEX00290378William R. Carr   139031994-06-08
United States, Texas, Parker, Near antenna 0.6 airmiles SSE of range control HQ, ca. 2.9 airmiles NE of jct. US Rt. 190 and F.M. 1821 at Mineral Wells. Fort Wolters Training Facility (Texas National Guard). Mineral Wells East Quadrangle., 32.845 -98.05333

TEX00290385William R. Carr|David Hernandez   113231991-07-30
United States, Texas, Travis, Ca. 100-1000 ft. NW of Singleton Rd. near its S end at S end of Gouster Bend Resource Area. Pace Bend Quadrangle., 30.47278 -98.08194

TEX00290386William R. Carr   128931993-07-08
United States, Texas, Hill, Ca. 1000 ft. NE of campsites, ca. 2.4 airmiles SW of jct. St. Rt. 22 and St. Rt. 933 (at Whitney). SE 1/4 of Lake Whitney State Recreation Area. Whitney Quadrangle., 31.92 -97.35694

TEX00290387Logan D. Smith   6171947-06-07
United States, Texas, McLennan, Latham Springs Road, in oak thicket.

TEX00290388William R. Carr   40021982-05-27
United States, Texas, Williamson, SE corner of Lake Creek and Pecan Parkways, Anderson Mill. Jollyville Quadrangle., 30.4562 -97.806687

TEX00290389Ferdinand Lindheimer   6771850-01-01
United States, Texas, Comal, Comanche Spring; New Braunfels, etc., 29.808181 -98.278246

TEX00290390William R. Carr|Jackie M. Poole   128571993-06-30
United States, Texas, Bastrop, NE side of St. Rt. 21, 0-100 ft. SW of road to Sim Gideon power plant. Lake Bastrop Quadrangle., 30.13667 -97.25472

TEX00290391James B. McBryde   s.n.1931-05-01
United States, Texas, Gonzales, Gonzales county.

TEX00290392William R. Carr|Edward A. Kutac   76451986-06-21
United States, Texas, Fayette, Both sides of Co. Rd. 1245, 0.4-0.5 roadmiles SW of St. Rt. 71 at Plum. La Grange West Quadrangle.

TEX00290398Walter C. Holmes   71361994-06-03
United States, Texas, Limestone, 4.5 miles west of Personville on Tex. Hwy 164 ca. 100 m east of Turkey Creek.

TEX00290399Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges   102971989-06-05
United States, Texas, Leon, S of Spring Creek, ca. 2.7 air mi WSW of Spring Seat, ca. 3.5 air mi SW of TX 7 at a point ca. 3.9 mi E of int TX 39 at Robbins, on property of Mr. Fred Baccus; Spring Seat 7.5' Quad., 31.195 -96.07556

TEX00290400Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges   104021989-06-07
United States, Texas, Burleson, SW of FM 908, ca. 1.5 mi E of jct Co Rd 319, 0.7 air mi SW of Shiloh School & Cem, ca. 3.5 mi NW of jct TX 21, ca. 5.3 mi W of Caldwell; Chriesman 7.5' Quad., 30.50556 -96.79444

TEX00290401Frank W. Gould   68071955-05-17
United States, Texas, Brazos, Range and Forestry Dept. Experimental Area, just west of College Station airport.

TEX00290402Elice McGregor   71831927-06-08
United States, Texas, Smith, Troup. High School.

TEX00290403Kay Fleming|Jason R. Singhurst   4101998-05-15
United States, Texas, Anderson, On Big Lake Bottom WMA.

TEX00290406Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges   106891989-06-13
United States, Texas, Angelina, SW of FS Rd 313 and FS Rd 313A, N of Boykin Spring Recreation Area; Boykin Spring Longleaf, Angelina NF, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad., 31.07417 -94.275

TEX00290407Donovan S. Correll   153531956-07-05
United States, Texas, Shelby, In dry soil of old field near Center.

TEX00290408Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges   109161989-06-29
United States, Texas, Trinity, Along timber roads ca. 8 mi N of Onalaska and W of gravel rd from Onalaska to Groveton, ca. 11 mi S of Groveton, ca. 1 mi N of Polk Co. line; Brushy Creek Expt. Forest, Chita 7.5' Quad., 30.90639 -95.13194

TEX00290409Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Billie Lee Turner|Marshall C. Johnston   547341954-05-31
United States, Texas, Polk, At Fisher's road four miles northeast of Camden.

TEX00290410Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges   107481989-06-15
United States, Texas, Tyler, On E side of US 69, ca. 2.7 mi S of jct FM 1014, ca. 3.3 mi S of Neches River bridge, ca. 3 mi N of int R255, ca. 5 mi N of Colmesneil; Colmesneil 7.5' Quad., 30.97778 -94.40611

TEX00290412Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges   109741989-07-18
United States, Texas, Newton, On N side of FM 2460, ca. 1 mi E of jct TX 87, ca. 0.4 mi E of Big Cow Creek, ca. 2.5 air mi SE of Bleakwood; Bleakwood 7.5' Quad., 30.66861 -93.7925

TEX00290413Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges   107271989-06-14
United States, Texas, Hardin, Ca. 4 mi W of US 69/287 & FM 418 jct in Kountze, on FM 418, then S. ca. 0.38 air mi to E side of Village Creek; Roy E. Larsen Sanctuary, Kountze North 7.5' Quad., 30.39056 -94.25694

TEX00290414William R. Carr   182991999-06-08
United States, Texas, Harris, Ca. 100 ft. NE of F.M. 2920 from a point ca. 800 ft. NW of Dowdell Rd. Tomball Quadrangle., 30.08333 -95.56556

TEX00290415Raymond J. Fleetwood   98261970-06-07
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Tig Ranch, 3 1/2 mi. W. of West Columbia.

TEX00338056William R. Carr|David D. Diamond   112411991-06-05
United States, Texas, Taylor, On track along fenceline cut through woodland, upland at S end of Abilene State Recreation Area, ca. 2100 ft. S of county road ca. 0.3-0.4 mi. E of its jct. with F. M. 89. Lake Abilene Quadrangle., 32.225 -99.88306

TEX00338057Benjamin Carroll Tharp   s.n.1932-06-26
United States, Texas, Gillespie, Enchanted Rock.

TEX00338059Samuel Mills Tracy   80591902-06-07
United States, Texas, Parker, Weatherford, Texas., 32.759296 -97.797254

TEX00338060Christopher L. York   151950-06-26
United States, Texas, Parker, Parker Co.

TEX00338061Barney L. Lipscomb   22901977-07-09
United States, Texas, Parker, Mineral Wells State Park. Open area around campsites and roadside at Penitentiary Hollow.

TEX00338062Logan D. Smith   7651947-06-21
United States, Texas, McLennan, Oak thicket east of Waco.

TEX00338063Benjamin Carroll Tharp   15371916-04-29
United States, Texas, Burnet, Marble Falls, Texas.

TEX00338064Joe Adamcik|Chester M. Rowell, Jr.|Fred A. Barkley   16T2001946-05-18
United States, Texas, Travis, On hill northeast of Austin.

TEX00338065William R. Carr|Marshall Enquist   107601990-08-19
United States, Texas, Travis, On roadside on ridgetop, W side of F. M. 973, 0.8 mi. S of Bloor Rd. Manor Quadrangle., 30.28889 -97.57444

TEX00338066Benjamin Carroll Tharp   s.n.1920-05-10
United States, Texas, Travis, Austin, Texas.

TEX00338067Edwin R. Bogusch   s.n.1927-01-01
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Bastrop, Texas.

TEX00338069William R. Carr|Douglas A. Brown   64011985-04-28
United States, Texas, Bastrop, 20 ft. W of Sayersville Rd, 3.0 roadmiles SW of RR trestle of Sayersville, ca. 3.9 airmiles N of jct. of St. Rt. 95 and F. M. 1441. Lake Bastrop Quadrangle.

TEX00338070Paul A. Fryxell   29861978-04-30
United States, Texas, Bastrop, SW of Wellborn on Schehin Road., 30.481951 -96.260469

TEX00338073Edwin R. Bogusch   s.n.1927-01-01
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Bastrop, Texas.

TEX00338071William R. Carr|Pat McNeal   153791996-05-19
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Ca. 100-300 ft. N of St. Rt. 71, 1.4-1.5 roadmiles SE of Pope Bend Rd, or ca. 5.7-5.8 roadmiles SE of Travis Co. line. McKinney Roughs Tract (Lower Colorado River Authority). Utley Quadrangle., 30.1325 -97.45111

TEX00338072William R. Carr|Craig Farquhar|John Maresh   146501995-05-25
United States, Texas, Bastrop, 0-200 ft. S of East Road from a point ca. 0.4 mi. W of its jct. with New Road, ca. 3.7-3.8 airmiles SE of jct. US Rt. 290 and F. M. 696 near Butler. Camp Swift Training Site (Texas National Guard). Elgin East Quadrangle., 30.26389 -97.27083

TEX00338076Hugh H. Duval   261
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Bastrop County.

TEX00338077H. B. Parks   s.n.1946-05-25
United States, Texas, Brazos, College Station.

TEX00338078Mark H. Mayfield   12101992-04-18
United States, Texas, Fayette, On state road 95, 2.1 mi. N of I-10 bridge, 0.5 mi. N of junction FR 154 at small power line crossing road.

TEX00338079A. L. Ripple   51-7541950-10-02
United States, Texas, Fayette, Muldoon.

TEX00338080A. L. Ripple   51-9021949-11-05
United States, Texas, Fayette, Muldoon.

TEX00338082Paul A. Fryxell   17681971-05-29
United States, Texas, Brazos, W of Wellborn, in woods., 30.536613 -96.306538

TEX00338084Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Billie Lee Turner|Marshall C. Johnston   549661954-06-02
United States, Texas, Angelina, Shawnee Prairie, 3 miles west of U. S. 69 on road No. 844 south of Huntington.

TEX00431631William R. Carr|Edward A. Kutac|Bro. Daniel Lynch   88621988-05-28
United States, Texas, Burnet, N side of R.M. 1431 ca. 1.9mi. WNW of US Rt. 281. Marble Falls Quadrangle.

TEX00448154William R. Carr   268652008-06-04
United States, Texas, Stephens, E side of Sneed property, 2.4-2.5 airmiles ENE of jct. US Rt. 180 and Park Road 33 at Caddo. Caddo Quadrangle., 32.73233 -98.63472

TEX00450475William R. Carr|R. J. Taylor   280652009-06-03
United States, Texas, Cooke, In canyon on W edge of ranch, E side of Co. Rd. 398 ca. 1.0-1.1 airmiles S of its bridge over Clear Creek, ca. 1.2 airmiles NNW of jct. Cooke, Denton and Wise counties. LO (Leo) Unit of Dixon Ranch. Greenwood Quadrangle., 33.44775 -97.39214

TEX00453554Laura L. Hansen   59592008-05-29
United States, Texas, Coryell, Training Area 47, 0.4 miles southwest of Antelope Road, on gravel road that is 1.1 miles east of boundary fence., 31.26046 -97.88875

TEX00453555Laura L. Hansen   60502008-06-09
United States, Texas, Bell, Training Area 36, 0.5 miles east of Pond 36D., 31.10999 -97.54658

TEX00464481William R. Carr   307702012-06-05
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Near a small tank along a main road on Hoppy Springs Tract, ca. 1.1 airmiles SE of jct. St. Rt. 21 and F. M. 1441 NE of Bastrop. Bastrop State Park. Smithville NW Quadrangle., 30.14133 -97.21267

TEX00465648William R. Carr   317022012-09-11
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Ca. 200 ft. E of Harmon Road from a point 0.15-0.20 roadmiles S of its jct. with Park Road 1-C. Bastrop State Park. Smithville Quadrangle., 30.10745 -97.24925

TEX00469629Cate Bergman   7752004-06-13
United States, Texas, Lee, Patschke property (private) - Patschke Bog and adjacent land. Bog created by Owens Branch of Middle Yegua Creek. Private residence off of CR 322, 0.7 mi W of junction with FM 1624., 30.36283 -97.09567

TEX00471327William R. Carr   339122013-05-18
United States, Texas, Travis, W side of parking lot for soccer fields in southern unit of East Metro Park, ca. 1200 ft. W of jct. of Blake-Manor Rd. and Burleson-Manor Rd. Manor Quadrangle., 30.28422 -97.52261

TEX00473788William R. Carr|Mary Lou Price   339032014-05-25
United States, Texas, Travis, In SW corner of Hispanic portion of Jones Cemetery, N end of Cadillac Drive ca. 0.5 roadmiles N of jct. F. M. 969 near Hornsby., 30.25406 -97.57583

TEX00473791William R. Carr   331462013-06-11
United States, Texas, Colorado, SE side of Ratliff Creek S of powerline, ca. 1.1-1.2 airmiles S to SSW of St. Rt. 806 overpass of I-10 on SW side of Columbus; Columbus Quadrangle., 29.67852 -96.56958

TEX00478378William R. Carr   348502015-05-21
United States, Texas, Caldwell, On S fenceline of Hogan Ranch, ca. 4.3 airmiles WSW of jct. of St. Rt. 304 and St. Rt. 713 at Delhi., 29.795 -97.45522

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