TEX00485007 George Yatskievych|Adam Black 19-048 2019-06-23
United States, Texas, Walker, N side of Road FM1375 at W end of causeway over Lake Conroe, along inlet at mouth of Sand Creek, ca. 7.1 miles W of junction with Interstate 45 in New Waverly., 30.52342 -95.611778
TEX00510642 R.E. Riefner, Jr. 09-207 2009-09-25
United States, California, Imperial, Near Bard, Ross Rd. and Basline Rd. at the Reservation Main Drain. Agricultural Canal.
TEX00510643 R.E. Riefner, Jr. 09-206 2009-09-25
United States, California, Imperial, Near Bard, Ross Rd. and Basline Rd. at the Reservation Main Drain. Agricultural Canal., 32.78222 -114.60167
TEX00510644 R.E. Riefner, Jr. 09-201 2009-09-24
United States, California, Imperial, El Centro, Willoughby Rd. ca. 1/4 mi. W of Dogwood Rd. at the Central Main Canal. Agricultural Canal.
TEX00510645 R.E. Riefner, Jr. 09-205 2009-09-25
United States, California, Imperial, Near Bard, Ross Rd. and Basline Rd. at the Reservation Main Drain. Agricultural Canal.
TEX00510646 Christopher Reid|Diane M. Ferguson 6680 2008-08-06
United States, Louisiana, Lafourche, Little Lake Outflow Canal at Clovelly Farms boat launch, ca 3.7 air mi NE of Cutoff., 29.553333333 -90.275277778
TEX00554776 R. Dale Thomas|James H. Hyde|Annette Parker 159788 1999-05-18
United States, Louisiana, Sabine, Salter Creek in Toledo Bend Lake north of La. 191 southeast of Twin Island Road west of Negreet.
TEX00569852 George Yatskievych 18-131 2018-06-22
United States, Texas, Orange, Shangri La Botanical Gardens & Nature Center, Orange, on S side of W Park Avenue and N side of Adams Bayou. Beaver Dam area in W portion of property, along boardwalk to W of building., 30.10667 -93.76375
MSC0267680 Garrett E. Crow 6522 1986-06-08
United States, Florida, Alachua, Paynes Prairie, just south of Gainesville., 29.579173 -82.304414