TEX00119901 Guy L. Nesom|Linda Vorobik 5716 1986-10-17
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Cascada de Basaseachic, step cliffs and rock faces on E side of falls; at the confluence of Río Basaseachic and Río Durazno, ca 2 mi S of Village of Basaseachic, 28.03333 -107.91667
TEX00119903 Gentry|D. S. Correll|Juan Argüelles 18014 1959-10-01
Mexico, Chihuahua, Parral and vicinity, 15 mi NE of El Vergel, along rd to Parral
TEX00119904 Andrew C. Sanders|M. Guzy|V. Van Way|D. Charleton|B. McIntosh 4350 1983-12-28
Mexico, Sinaloa, Rancho Liebre Barranca, 1 mi S of El Palmito on Hwy 40 and 1 mi W of the Hwy, Sa Madre Occidental, 23.6 -105.85
TEX00119905 Dennis E. Breedlove|F. Almeda 59091 1983-10-21
Mexico, Durango, Mezquital, 48 Km WNW of Huejuquilla El Alto, Jalisco on rd to Canoas, Durango
TEX00119906 Guy L. Nesom|Linda Vorobik 5759 1987-10-21
Mexico, Chihuahua, Balleza, 13.8 mi NE of El Vergel, on Hwy 24, 26.63333 -106.3
TEX00119907 Guy L. Nesom|Paul Lewis 5090 1984-08-18
Mexico, Chihuahua, Cascada de Basaseachic, between campground and falls, at the confluence of Río Basaseachic and Río Durazno, ca 2 mi S of Village of Basaseachic
TEX00119908 Dennis E. Breedlove|F. S. Kawahara 44018 1979-09-15
Mexico, Durango, Durango, 35-40 Km SW of Durango City on rd to La Flor
TEX00119909 Arthur Cronquist 10268 1965-10-03
Mexico, Durango, About 17 mi ESE of Durango
TEX00119910 Arthur Cronquist 9531 1962-09-27
Mexico, Durango, 9 mi W of Durango, 23.98472 -104.75
TEX00119911 Marshall C. Johnston|Tom Wendt|Fernando Chiang C. 11447 1973-06-23
Mexico, Durango, 16.5 Km from center of Cd Durango, on Hwy to Mazatlán, 23.96667 -104.73333
TEX00119912 Rafael Corral Díaz|Richard D. Worthington 11421 1983-08-25
Mexico, Durango, Santiago Papasquiaro, Sa Madre Occidental, about 22 air Km WNW, 3.3 mi by Topia rd W from jct rd to antenna at E edge crest of Sa, 25.06667 -105.85
TEX00119913 Rafael Corral Díaz|Richard D. Worthington 182 1983-07-08
Mexico, Durango, Santiago Papasquiaro, 3.5 Km al W de La Soledad, 11 Km NW Santiago Papasquiaro, 25.08333 -105.53333
TEX00421682 Thomas R. Van Devender|Ana Lilia Reina G. 2001-870 2001-09-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, No locality name provided., 28.15083 -108.16167