OBI174072 Floyd R. Waller 2680 1974-05-16
United States, Texas, Galveston, seasonally wet area near H.L. & P. Fence line along FM 517 near mouth of discharge canal, P.H. Robinson Generating Station, 1 mi S of Bacliff
TEX00083219 Dennis E. Breedlove|Gerrit Davidse 54947 1981-11-06
Mexico, Chiapas, La Trinitaria, 9 Km S of Comitán on Méx Hwy 190
TEX00083220 J. G. Graham|Marshall C. Johnston 4552B 1959-10-27
Mexico, Tamaulipas, S of Lomas del Real, 7 mi N of main Hwy on dirt rd which turns off just N of Altamira
TEX00083221 Rogers McVaugh 17285 1958-08-24
Mexico, Jalisco, Near Km 58, rd from Zapotlanejo, ca 7 mi WNW of Tototlán
TEX00529976 R. Tyrl|Lawrence Lofgren|J. Brunken|Janice Perino 32 1970-06-23
United States, Oklahoma, Marshall, Kingston Prairie, 3.8 miles SE of junction with U.S. Hwy. 70 on U.S. Hwy. 70A.
BRIT607672 John Taylor 9220 1971-09-21
United States, Oklahoma, Bryan, 5 miles north and 4 miles east of Caddo.
BRIT607669 John Taylor 27726 1979-07-09
United States, Oklahoma, Atoka, McGee Creek Project Area; Collected along a rocky stream "Little Bugaboo" in the southeast quarter of Sec. 4, T2S, R14E.
BRIT607693 Charles S. Wallis 5509 1957-09-08
United States, Oklahoma, Muskogee, 3 mi. E. of Ft. Gibson on State 10.
BRIT607671 John Taylor 13642 1973-06-18
United States, Oklahoma, Atoka, Collected from a shallow arm of Lake Atoka on the south end of the lake about 3 miles north of Atoka, Oklahoma.
BRIT607692 J. F. Brenckle 48276 1948-05-14
United States, Oklahoma, Murray, Roadside, Hyw. 77, 2½ m. N of Springer.
BRIT607699 Charles S. Wallis 4604 1957-07-06
United States, Oklahoma, Sequoyah, Ditch at edge of Ark. R. Bottoms, ½ mi. S.W. Gore on u.S. 64.
BRIT607691 Elbert L. Little, Jr. s.n. 1930-06-23
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain, SE T6S, R25E, SW T6S, R26E.
BRIT607677 Wm. T. Penfound P-138 1948-08-06
United States, Oklahoma, South of Colgate, Oklahoma.
BRIT607700 Charles S. Wallis 4519 1957-07-01
United States, Oklahoma, 1½ mi. S. of Ft. Gibson.
BRIT607683 John Taylor 29737 1980-08-24
United States, Oklahoma, Le Flore, North-facing slope of Rich Mountain near OK 1, about 5.5 miles northeast of Big Cedar.
BRIT607680 G. Thomas Robbins 2068 1948-05-29
United States, Oklahoma, Johnston, Border of pool along small stream. Grazed prairie along State Highway 99, 10 miles north of Tishomingo, near Wapanucka road junction.
BRIT607690 John Taylor 10467 1972-05-22
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain, Glover River floodplain 2½ miles west and north of Golden, Oklahoma.
BRIT607681 John Taylor 10720 1972-06-07
United States, Oklahoma, Johnston, Near large granitic outcrop the "ten acre rock", 1.2 miles east of Troy, along Rock Creek.
BRIT607673 John Taylor 3889 1967-06-07
United States, Oklahoma, Bryan, ¼ mile west of city limits of Durant.
BRIT607670 John Taylor 27502 1979-05-24
United States, Oklahoma, Atoka, McGee Creek Project Area; Collected from the pasture area southeast of the "rock house" and on the west side of Potapo Creek. Sec 11, T2S, R13E about 12 miles East, 1 mile North of Atoka, OK.
BRIT607686 R. Wilkinson s.n. 1951-07-26
United States, Oklahoma, Marshall, 3 mi. S.E. Kingston.
BRIT607696 John Taylor 25387B 1977-09-05
United States, Oklahoma, Pittsburg, About 14 miles South and 1 mile East of Hartshorne, Oklahoma.
BRIT607684 John Taylor 13778 1973-07-07
United States, Oklahoma, Le Flore, Collected from Spiro Lake .5 mile East of Spiro, Oklahoma.
BRIT607697 John Taylor 24323 1977-05-20
United States, Oklahoma, Pushmataha, Collected at the Harrison Bog about 5.5 miles west of Antlers.
BRIT607679 Charles S. Wallis 6092 1957-10-05
United States, Oklahoma, Delaware, Banks of Flint Creek at Flint on U.S. 59.
BRIT607698 Charles S. Wallis 5653 1957-09-17
United States, Oklahoma, Sequoyah, Wildhorse Mts, 6 mi. S. of Sallisaw on U.S. 59.
BRIT607674 Jack Miller 3 1971-06-21
United States, Oklahoma, Bryan, About 1½ miles west of Durant, Oklahoma, in D. Carpenter's meadow, near drain.
BRIT607694 U. T. Waterfall 10099 1951-07-03
United States, Oklahoma, Muskogee, 1.5 mi. southeast of Braggs.
BRIT607685 John Taylor 13793 1973-07-07
United States, Oklahoma, Le Flore, Collected from Spiro Lake #2 about 2.5 miles south of Spiro, Oklahoma.
BRIT607676 John Taylor 26852 1978-07-08
United States, Oklahoma, Choctaw, Collected from the Beaver ponds area of Choctaw County, about 5.5 miles Northwest of Fort Towson, Oklahoma.
BRIT607678 Charles S. Wallis 4183 1957-06-15
United States, Oklahoma, Delaware, Bank of Flint Creek at Flint on U.S. 59.
BRIT607675 John Taylor 4136
United States, Oklahoma, Bryan, Bottomland along the Red River, just down from the mouth of the Blue River.
BRIT607695 John Taylor 13856 1973-07-12
United States, Oklahoma, Pittsburg, East side of McAlester Lake #2 about 2 miles N of McAlester.