TEX00167582 William R. Carr 26222 2007-08-02
United States, Texas, Tom Green, South Concho River just upstream from Anson Spring complex on Head-of-the-River Ranch, 3.8-3.9 airmiles S to SSE of jct. US Rt. 277 and R. M. 2084 in Christoval, at N31o08'00.4", W100o29'29.3". Christoval Quadrangle., 31.13344 -100.49147
TEX00189882 Rafael Torres Colín|J. Espinoza s.n. 1997-04-23
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Guadalcazar, No locality name provided.
TEX00195106 Ana Lilia Reina G.|Thomas R. Van Devender|Shannon C. Doan|George M. Ferguson|Z. Liu|et al. s.n. 2004-04-23
Mexico, Sonora, Agua Prieta, No locality name provided., 31.23306 -109.63139
TEX00197566 Grady L. Webster|Burford L. Westlund 33474 2001-05-04
United States, Texas, Presidio, Pinto Canyon, 13.5 roadmiles NE of Ruidosa., 30.01667 -104.48333
TEX00198398 Toney M. Keeney 8717 1988-10-01
United States, Texas, Edwards, At base of the mountain in the first draw S of the north road. 0.9 mi. on Kickapoo State Park site.
TEX00199031 John M. Tucker 3013-5 1955-11-02
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, T.A. Beard Ranch (Rancho Venado) 22 mi. (by road) N and somewhat E of Allamore; east-facing canyon. Along the last mile leading to Ranch HQ.
TEX00199405 John M. Tucker 3142-11 1956-06-23
United States, Texas, Culberson, Guadalupe Mountains, headwaters of West Dog Canyon, E-facing slope.
TEX00203272 Rafael Torres Colín RTC-15189 1998-05-31
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Guadalcazar, Los Pinos. Arroyo Los Pinos, 1 Km al NE de la desv a Potrero de Pineda o 1.5 Km al NE de Villar, hacia Potrero de Pineda, 22.55 -100.44861
TEX00205372 Miguel Angel Carranza Pérez|Ismael Ramírez S.|M. Narcia C-4603 2006-10-21
Mexico, Coahuila, San Pedro, Sierra Las Margaritas, Cañón Blanco, Ejido Margaritas., 26.53573 -102.89782
TEX00209520 Billie Lee Turner 24-559 2004-10-20
United States, Texas, Culberson, Ca. 7 mi. WSW of Lobo on Sanchez Ranch. Northern base of Van Horn Mts.
TEX00209209 Jackie M. Poole 4650 2002-07-11
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Amistad National Recreation Area: Satan Canyon. Sample plot no. 7. Satan Canyon Quad (1:24,000)., 29.66069 -100.96169
TEX00209325 Jackie M. Poole 4767 2003-04-08
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Amistad National Recreation Area: Hidden Cave Cove, ca. 0.2 miles north up Seminole Canyon from the Rio Grande. Sample plot no. 89. Seminole Canyon Quad (1:24,000)., 29.66044 -101.31415
TEX00209367 Jackie M. Poole 4809 2003-05-19
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Amistad National Recreation Area: Canyon 4 on south side of Devil's River, ca. 2.2 miles upstream from Big Satan Canyon. Sample plot no. 4. Satan Canyon Quad (1:24,000)., 29.64888 -100.98586
TEX00211567 Mary L. Butterwick|Steve Osburn 2425 1976-04-20
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Side canyon off of Smuggler's Gap in the central Quitman Mountains.
Quercus pungens var. pungens
TEX00213886 José A. Villarreal|Miguel Agustín Carranza|Juan A. Encina 114 1994-08-21
Mexico, Coahuila, Ocampo, Sa la Encantada, cuesta de Malena, + -195 Km al NW de Muzquiz, carr Muzquiz-Boquillas del Carmen, 28.58333 -102.16667
Quercus pungens var. pungens
TEX00235637 Mary L. Butterwick 1943 1975-10-19
Mexico, Coahuila, Brewster CO: In small side canyon of San Rosendo Canyon, a tributary of the Río Grande, between Reagan and Palmas Canyon, on the Méx side of the border, 26.34 -101.37
TEX00241851 Andrés Rodríguez|A. Orta|M. Martínez|Miguel Agustín Carranza 875 1983-05-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Parras, Ejido el Capulín, aprox 10 Km al SW de Parras de la Fte.; Sa de Parras, 25.38333 -102.21667
Quercus pungens var. pungens
TEX00241853 Tom Wendt|Emily J. Lott 1426 1976-01-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Sa de La Fragua, steep W scarp above El Pajarito, a spring in the N part of El Sombero (Puerto Colorado area) and ca 6.5 mi by rd SE of Rancho El Colorado, 26.80833 -102.6
Quercus pungens var. pungens
TEX00241856 Dennis E. Breedlove|B. Anderson 63763 1986-09-05
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 30 Km E of SLP along Méx Hwy 86 to Cd Valles
Quercus pungens var. pungens
TEX00241857 Dennis E. Breedlove|B. Anderson 63276 1986-08-28
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 8 Km E Méx Hwy 57 along rd to Guadalcazar
Quercus pungens var. pungens
TEX00241858 Dennis E. Breedlove|B. Anderson 63305 1986-08-28
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 8 Km E Méx Hwy 57 along rd to Guadalcazar
Quercus pungens var. pungens
TEX00241859 Dennis E. Breedlove|B. Anderson 63263 1986-08-28
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 8 Km E Méx Hwy 57 along rd to Guadalcazar
Quercus pungens var. pungens
TEX00241860 Andrew C. Sanders|Jan West 6720 1986-07-03
Mexico, Durango, Mapimi, W side of Sa del Rosario, 4 Km S of Linda Vista where the rd drops into a canyon between low mesas, 12 Km S of Santa Ines, 50 Km (airline) W of Torreón, 25.53333 -103.96667
TEX00241871 Hinton 25795 1990-05-20
Mexico, Coahuila, Muzquiz, NW of Múzquiz, 27.87694 -101.51389
TEX00241888 Edwin L. Bridges|Lindsay Woodruff|José A. Villarreal|M. Pérez 13083 1990-04-05
Mexico, Coahuila, General Cepeda, In upper reaches of Cañada el Aguirreno, from 0-1 Km W of old Barita mine, ca 4-5 air Km mouth of canyon, ca 11 air Km SE of Las Coloradas, on NW side of Sa la Paila; Las Coloradas, 26.10417 -101.59167
TEX00241889 Cornelius H. Mueller|Cornelius H. Muller 141-A 1974-04-05
Mexico, Coahuila, About 2 mi SSW of Quatro Palmas, NW slope of Cerro Agua Chile, 29.25833 -102.56667
TEX00241890 Tom Wendt|Emily J. Lott|R. G. Olmstead 1950 1977-03-18
Mexico, Coahuila, Puerto Colorado ("El Sombrero") between Sa de la Fragua (to E) and Sa Colorada (to W), 26.7875 -102.61944
TEX00241899 Dennis E. Breedlove|B. Anderson 63773 1986-09-05
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 30 Km E of SLP along Méx Hwy 86 to Cd Valles
TEX00241900 Tom Wendt|Emily J. Lott 717-A 1975-03-21
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sas de Chorreras: Cañón Pedregoso (main central canyon) in mid. part, NNW of 2150m, SW peak of range; ca 6 air mi ESE of ejido Chorreras; 8.3 odometer mi E of Rancho El Tanque, 28.81667 -105.16667
TEX00241901 Tom Wendt|Emily J. Lott 717 1975-03-21
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sas de Chorreras: Cañón Pedregoso (main central canyon) in mid. part, NNW of 2150m, SW peak of range; ca 6 air mi ESE of ejido Chorreras; 8.3 odometer mi E of Rancho El Tanque, 28.81667 -105.16667
TEX00241903 Jean Graber 154 1956-06-14
Mexico, Coahuila, 2.5 mi W of Mineral Padilla, 16 mi E and 18 mi N of Ocampo, 27.6 -102.40833
TEX00241909 Tom Wendt|David H. Riskind 1707 1976-09-07
Mexico, Coahuila, Sa de la Gloria: Cañón Obscuro Chiquillo, side cyn. latter entering C. Chilpitín from S near El Chilpitín, ca 1 mi S of jct w/ C. Obscuro, 26.79306 -101.29722
TEX00241910 Ernest G. Marsh 870 1936-09-02
Mexico, Coahuila, Del Carmen Mts., 27.4325 -103.55472
TEX00241911 Ernest G. Marsh 1428 1938-07-25
Mexico, Coahuila, Santa Rosa Mts., 28.31083 -101.855
TEX00241912 Ernest G. Marsh 1296 1938-07-13
Mexico, Coahuila, Santa Rosa Mts., 28.31083 -101.855
TEX00241913 Ernest G. Marsh 1431 1938-07-25
Mexico, Coahuila, Santa Rosa Mts., 28.31083 -101.855
TEX00241914 Tom Wendt|David H. Riskind 1682 1976-09-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Sa de La Gloria, in Cañón del Chilpitín, ca 5 mi up (E) from mouth of cyn, near El Chilpitín, at jct of main cyn. w/C. Obscura (coming in from S), 26.80972 -101.29861
Quercus pungens var. pungens
TEX00253537 Alejandra Carrera SN 2000-08-19
Mexico, Chihuahua, Manuel Benavides, Sa El Pájaro, 29.15944 -104.00694
TEX00261862 Rafael Torres Colín 15721 2000-06-28
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Guadalcazar, No locality name provided., 22.66667 -100.36667
TEX00286756 William R. Carr|Pat McNeal 10239 1989-11-01
United States, Texas, El Paso, 500 ft. N of trail through Mundys Gap, Franklin Mts. State Park. North Franklin Mountain Quadrangle., 31.91667 -106.49667
TEX00286759 Benny J. Simpson|H. E. Sproul|Barton H. Warnock s.n. 1979-08-27
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Big Aguja Canyon, south-facing slope. Sheet III of III.
TEX00286760 Benny J. Simpson|H. E. Sproul|Barton H. Warnock s.n. 1979-08-27
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Big Aguja Canyon, south-facing slope. Sheet II of III.
TEX00286761 Benny J. Simpson|H. E. Sproul|Barton H. Warnock s.n. 1979-08-27
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Big Aguja Canyon, south-facing slope. Sheet I of III.
TEX00286765 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 6356 1929-07-16
United States, Texas, Terrell, Sanderson-Sheffield.
TEX00286766 D. James Edson 8 1949-08-10
United States, Texas, Crockett, Lancaster Hill, 30 mi. west of Ozona on Hgw. 290.
TEX00286767 Victor L. Cory 38247 1941-09-18
United States, Texas, Schleicher, 12 1/4 mi north of Eldorado.
TEX00286768 L. C. Hinckley s.n. 1939-09-24
United States, Texas, Sutton, Sonora.
TEX00286769 Zachary Labus 342 1988-10-08
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Seminole Canyon State Historical Park, ca. 10 mi. W of Comstock on U.S. Highway 90. In upper reaches of Presa Canyon.
TEX00286772 Edward Palmer 12329 1917-06-22
United States, Texas, Uvalde, Limestone hillsides, Montell.
TEX00307274 Eula Whitehouse s.n. 1931-12-20
United States, Texas, El Paso, Mt. Franklin, El Paso.
TEX00307276 Steve Kennedy s.n. 1975-09-13
United States, Texas, El Paso, Franklin Mountains. In header canyon of upper McKellegan Canyon on limestone with some intermixed metamorphics.
TEX00307277 William R. Carr|Pat McNeal 10275 1989-11-02
United States, Texas, El Paso, In draws on N to NE facing slopes, ca. 1500 ft. NW of circle at NW end of road in McKelligon Canyon, Franklin Mts. State Park. El Paso Quadrangle., 31.84583 -106.49444
TEX00307278 Richard D. Worthington 4320 1979-04-13
United States, Texas, El Paso, Franklin Mts, 0.5 mi. NW top South Franklin Mountain in canyon draining north., 31.87056 -106.49667
TEX00307288 Cornelius H. Muller 8227 1945-07-11
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, In low woodland about Bonanza Mine above Hector's Ranch, Quitman Mts, 12 mi. W of Sierra Blanca.
TEX00307290 Mary L. Butterwick|J. Lamb 2887 1976-06-25
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Southern Quitman Mts, intermontane basin NE of Mesa Windmill.
TEX00307299 Mary L. Butterwick|J. Lamb 2752 1976-06-17
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Southern Quitman Mts, small canyon on E side of range, across from Deer Peak.
TEX00307300 Mary L. Butterwick|J. Lamb 2753 1976-06-17
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Southern Quitman Mts, small canyon on E side of range, across from Deer Peak.
TEX00307306 Billie Lee Turner|Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Barton H. Warnock 53-463 1953-08-28
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Top of Sierra Diablo Mts, 20 mi. n of Allamoore.
TEX00307309 Mary S. Young s.n. 1916-09-02
United States, Texas, Culberson, Near Pine Spr. Guadalupe Mts.
TEX00307310 Barton H. Warnock 6305 1947-05-05
United States, Texas, Culberson, On foothills of Guadalupe Mountains; Cherry canyon; limestone soil; 5 miles east of Pine Springs station.
TEX00307311 Frank W. Gould|William J. Waldrip 7639 1957-06-26
United States, Texas, Culberson, Pine Spring Station, Guadalupe Mountains.
TEX00307313 Albert Michael Powell 3363 1978-07-03
United States, Texas, Culberson, Apache Mts, slopes and peak S of Dead Man Canyon.
TEX00307322 Cornelius H. Muller 8128 1945-06-21
United States, Texas, Presidio, Along creek bank in Mexican Canyon, tributary of Fresno Canyon.
TEX00307349 Albert Michael Powell|Shirley A. Powell 3734a 1982-05-22
United States, Texas, Presidio, Limestone hills ca. 3 mi S of Shafter.
TEX00307350 Albert Michael Powell|Robert S. Irving|Shirley A. Powell 3488 1979-08-23
United States, Texas, Presidio, Pinto Canyon, ca. mid-canyon toward Chinati Peak.
TEX00307351 Albert Michael Powell 3602 1981-05-16
United States, Texas, Presidio, Limestone outcrop, upper Pinto Canyon.
TEX00307352 Albert Michael Powell|Shirley A. Powell 3734b 1982-05-22
United States, Texas, Presidio, Limestone hills ca. 3 mi S of Shafter.
TEX00307354 Mary L. Butterwick|Stuart Strong 984 1975-06-18
United States, Texas, Presidio, In streambed of Arroyo Segundo upstream from the falls, on the Big Bend Ranch.
TEX00307355 Chris J. Durden 74293A24 1974-10-24
United States, Texas, Presidio, 19 mi ESE Redford Fresno Can, 7 mi N Rio Grande. Canon de la Madera, 4000', above Chorro Madrid in box canyon.
TEX00307358 Albert Michael Powell|Shirley A. Powell 3733 1982-05-22
United States, Texas, Presidio, Limestone hills ca. 3 mi S of Shafter.
TEX00307359 Mary S. Young s.n. 1914-09-11
United States, Texas, Presidio, Chinati Mts.
TEX00307363 L. C. Hinckley s.n. 1936-01-01
United States, Texas, Presidio, Chinati Mountains.
TEX00307364 L. C. Hinckley s.n. 1941-07-07
United States, Texas, Presidio, Head of Hot Spring Creek below rimrock. Tierra Vieja Mts.
TEX00307371 Albert Michael Powell 3384 1978-09-29
United States, Texas, Presidio, Head of Pinto Canyon, N slopes.
TEX00307372 Cornelius H. Mueller s.n. 1933-08-25
United States, Texas, Brewster, Cattail Canyon, Chisos Mts.
TEX00307374 Mary S. Young s.n. 1915-09-06
United States, Texas, Brewster, Along trail to Goode place. Chisos Mts.
TEX00307376 Barton H. Warnock 21349 1941-08-06
United States, Texas, Brewster, Frequent at Blackbrush Gap.
TEX00307377 Anton Helmer Berkman s.n. 1925-08-05
United States, Texas, Brewster, Del Norte Mts.
TEX00307378 Cornelius H. Mueller 7934 1931-07-18
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos Mts.
TEX00307379 Paul D. Whitson 600 1969-11-26
United States, Texas, Brewster, Big Bend Natl. Park. Chisos Basin. On upper northwest slope of Casa Grande., 29.270294 -103.292361
TEX00307380 Victor L. Cory 6961 1933-09-07
United States, Texas, Brewster, Oak Canyon, Chisos Mts.
TEX00307381 Barton H. Warnock 7106 1947-09-02
United States, Texas, Brewster, Laguna trail from Basin of Chisos Mountains.
TEX00307382 Mary L. Butterwick|Emily J. Lott 3603 1977-05-17
United States, Texas, Brewster, Near head of runoff on the N facing slope of Bullis Range, in the vicinity of Bullis Gap. On the Bullis Gap Ranch.
TEX00307383 Ernest G. Marsh, Jr. 368 1937-07-26
United States, Texas, Brewster, Blue Creek Canyon - Chisos Mts.
TEX00307384 H. B. Parks|Victor L. Cory 6415 1933-05-23
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos B. Juniper Canyon.
TEX00307385 Barton H. Warnock 11420 1953-07-31
United States, Texas, Brewster, In McRae Canyon on C. F. Cox ranch in limestone soil.
TEX00307386 Ernest G. Marsh, Jr. 377 1937-08-06
United States, Texas, Brewster, Juniper Canyon - Chisos Mts.
TEX00307387 Barton H. Warnock 6976 1947-09-01
United States, Texas, Brewster, On igneous trail to Lost Mine Peak; Chisos Mts.; Big Bend Nat. Park.
TEX00307388 Cornelius H. Mueller s.n. 1933-08-21
United States, Texas, Brewster, Basin, Chisos Mts.
TEX00307389 Anton Helmer Berkman 3355 1925-08-05
United States, Texas, Brewster, Marathon.
TEX00307390 Barton H. Warnock s.n. 1937-07-16
United States, Texas, Brewster, Below the Window, Chisos Mts.
TEX00307391 Anton Helmer Berkman s.n. 1925-01-01
United States, Texas, Brewster, Del Norte Pass, Beokman.
TEX00307392 Anton Helmer Berkman s.n. 1925-08-25
United States, Texas, Brewster, Del Norte Pass.
TEX00307395 L. C. Hinckley s.n. 1936-01-01
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos Mountains.
TEX00307396 Cornelius H. Mueller 7933 1931-06-30
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos Mts., 29.207905 -103.310214
TEX00307397 Mary L. Butterwick|Stuart Strong 742 1975-06-04
United States, Texas, Brewster, In the Lefthand Shutup in the Solitario on the Big Bend Ranch.
TEX00307398 Mary L. Butterwick|Stuart Strong 743 1975-06-04
United States, Texas, Brewster, In the Lefthand Shutup in the Solitario on the Big Bend Ranch.
TEX00307399 Mary L. Butterwick|Stuart Strong 673 1975-06-04
United States, Texas, Brewster, Throughout the Lefthand Shutup, ca. 2 1/2 miles north east of Tres Papalotes in the Solitario on the Big Bend Ranch.
TEX00307400 Jackie M. Poole 2703 1985-05-21
United States, Texas, Brewster, Canyon ca. 1 air mi. NNE of Rosillo peak in major drainage of peak, North Rosillos Mountain Preserve.
TEX00307401 Mary L. Butterwick|Stuart Strong 671 1975-06-04
United States, Texas, Brewster, Throughout the Lefthand Shutup, ca. 2 1/2 miles north east of Tres Papalotes in the Solitario on the Big Bend Ranch.