Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Hypopitys
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-58 of 58

Madrean Archipelago Biodiversity Assessment Observations

hypopitys G. Tucker
T.R. Van Devender   2008-3912008-08-29
Sonora, Yécora, Rancho el Horquetudo, 11.3 km (by air) SSE of Yécora., 28.26889 -108.88833, 1900m

Temp Collection for testing transfers

391075Peter H. Raven|Tamra E. Raven   Raven 278471989-10-08
Missouri, Jefferson, 6.5 mi (10.5 km) W of DeSoto. Township 39 N. Range 3 E. Section 11. Deep, shaded woods along a small tributary of Parker Creek, W of Parker Creek at a point ca. 0.35 mi (600 m) NNE of its confluence with Big River. Low Jacks Fork., 38.125 -90.675, 185m

391065Peter H. Raven|Tamra E. Raven   Raven 279041991-07-27
British Columbia, Rich forest, Benesti Lake, east of Vanderhoof., 54 -124

391044Roy E. Gereau|Alan E. Brant|Bruce K. Holst|Bruce Allen   Gereau 18011985-07-13
Missouri, Perry, NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 6; W of gravel road, ca. 200 m S of Hommes Creek, 1.7 mi ESE of County Road E.

1740160Gerrit Davidse   Davidse 35701973-07-14
Missouri, Saint Charles, Ca. 1 mile southwest of the bridge at the intersection of U.S. Highway 40 and the Missouri River.

3502046Ralph E. Brooks   Brooks 205701990-10-07
Missouri, Crawford, Ca. 5.5 mi E, 4 mi S Leasburg. near Huzzah Creek bottomland woods along base of bluff along creek. deep shade, weedy, brushy understory in woodshackberry, ash, oak, 38.02444 -91.20333

3501374Joseph W. Blankinship   Blankinship s.n.1887-07-16
Missouri, Greene

3527172Gordon T. Maupin   Maupin 8791974-09-21
Missouri, Dent, Montauk State Park; moist ravine wall; near top of ravine on E side moist ravine wall, 37.45888 -91.67361

3517679Sam Gibson   Gibson 33572000-06-26
Missouri, Lawrence, Devils Wash Pan; 6 mi E of junction of State Highways 96 and 39 and 0.75 mi S and 200 yds W on slightly W facing slope of bench terrace in dense woods thin cherty clay soil with lots of leaf litter; 3 plants in only clump; light straw color with bit of pink at base, 37.18055 -93.7225

3518947Hein, S.   Hein s.n.1982-08-07
Missouri, Macon, Hein property on S facing slopes slopes and old prairie ridgetop in white oak soil reverting to woodland (very wet year); saprophyte, 39.89694 -92.82416

3512642William G. D'Arcy   D'Arcy 69821972-10-01
Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Ca. 1 mi below Pickle Spring on slight slope, dense woods. stems red

3512057Melvin L. Conrad   Conrad 49591968-08-13
Missouri, Adair, 4.8 mi S60°W of Kirksville saprophyte under hardwoodsoak, hickory

3537812Snodgrass, T.   Snodgrass s.n.1992-10-20
Missouri, Barry, Roaring River State Park, along Fire Tower Trail hardwood forest. originally discovered by M. Wrightoak, hickory

3545721Julian A. Steyermark   Steyermark 721751951-07-21
Missouri, Carter, E of road J, 8 mi S of Fremont oak mulch in shallow draw in upland, 36.83222 -91.17916

3560972Allan J. Bornstein   Bornstein 5541995-06-23
Missouri, Butler, Missouri Army National Guard Training Site (WETS) primarily an area of dry, upland, Oak-Hickory woods, but with several low-lying sites along seasonal streams, growing in clumps or solitary in woods across from entrance to sites 11 and 14, 36.89416 -90.27833

3548480Bill Summers   Summers 33651990-06-25
Missouri, Howell, 2 mi NW of Brandsville bottom of wooded sinkhole, 36.67305 -91.70444

3548580Bill Summers   Summers 37421990-09-08
Missouri, Ozark, Near the Norfolk River, .25 mi upstream from the Highway CC bridge e-facing slope on the river

3548518Bill Summers   Summers 3501977-09-04
Missouri, Saint Francois, N side of Simms Mountain thick leaf litterpine, oak, hickory

3546497Julian A. Steyermark   Steyermark 797641955-09-20
Missouri, Linn, Upland acid oak-hickory woods along W Yellow Creek; 8 mi NW of New Boston upland acid oak-hickory woods, 39.97416 -92.99027

3546603Julian A. Steyermark   Steyermark 803901955-10-18
Missouri, Stoddard, In Crowley's Ridge near junction with lowland on property of Mr. Kidd, 3.5 - 3.75 mi (by air) SE of Bloomfield wooded spring branch. dryish humus above creek banks at base of tree. some plants still in flower. stem coral-red above, base of flower red, upper half yellowbeech, Epifagus, 36.83861 -89.92194

3552141Bill Summers|Joe Ryan   Summers 38561990-10-03
Missouri, Texas, 3.5 mi E of Raymondville, slope of Bee Rock Sink n-facing wooded slope, 37.32944 -91.74722

3552075Bill Summers|Joe Ryan   Summers 35321990-08-01
Missouri, Wright, 2 mi SE of Mansfield dolomite glades, 37.08611 -92.54916

3552371Bill Summers   Summers 67261994-06-18
Missouri, Carter, Mark Twain National Forest, ca. 7 mi SW of Van Buren on Highway C shady woods by natural sinkhole pond, thick leaf cover, 36.93416 -91.05055

3549535Bill Summers   Summers 6021979-09-19
Missouri, Oregon, Near the Eleven Point River, 2 mi N of Greer wooded slope bordering the riverpine, oak, hickory, 36.79111 -91.325

3550387Bill Summers   Summers 74611995-06-24
Missouri, Laclede, Mark Twain National Forest, Rolla/Houston Ranger District, Wrinkle Spring, 2 mi W of Adam Ford on the Gasconade River slight slope in chert upland forest near ridgetop, 37.62694 -92.36916

3550919Bill Summers   Summers 9631981-09-29
Missouri, Douglas, Near Indian Creek, W bank and upstream from Highway 76 bridge low wooded slope bordering creek, 36.97694 -92.13555

3565200J. Green   Green 21975-06-24
Missouri, Cape Girardeau, Trail of Tears State Park; in woods above Lake Boutin

3567524Cook, ? (SEMO)   Cook 921967-07-04
Missouri, Saint Francois, About 6 mi S of Farmington

3574311Michael Skinner   Skinner 5551981-10-14
Missouri, Camden, Lake of the Ozarks State Park, second loop of the Rocky Top Trail north facing slope along trail, 38.11888 -92.67111

3571274Paul W. Nelson   Nelson 7781975-10-16
Missouri, Reynolds, Johnson's Shut-Ins State Park, open mossy covered ravine in decaying log rare in gravelly granitic soil, 37.54 -90.8519444

3571434Jay A. Raveill   Raveill 23931986-06-19
Missouri, Franklin, Meramec State Park north facing dry-mesic dolomite forest, 38.23416 -91.09638

100668277Andreas Leidolf   Leidolf 21911997-09-06
Idaho, Custer, Vicinity of Stanley, Sawtooth National Recreation area, off Hwy. 21, on Dry Creek Rd, Pinus contorta-dominated sandhills scattered among wet open meadows/bogs, with Pyrola secunda, Pterospora andromedea, Chimaphila umbellata, Goodyera oblongifolia., 2195m

100730036George Yatskievych|Michael D. Windham   Yatskievych 85-3011985-09-02
Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha, upper Workman Creek, ca. 1/2 mile above (SE iof) falls. T06N R14E S33 SW4., 2027m

100729979George Yatskievych|Kay McCrary   Yatskievych 85-2561985-08-18
Indiana, Jasper, Jasper-Pulaski State Fish and Wildlife Area, near Radioville; just W of Road 400E at Parking Area 7. T31N R05W S10 NE4., 218m

100865038Leroy J. Korschgen|Thomas E. Toney   Korschgen 16941974-06-12
Missouri, Pike, Ted Shanks Conservation Area., 39.545701 -91.193227

100353605Tom Nagel   Nagel 3651985-07-05
Missouri, Miller, Lake of the Ozarks State Park., 38.1030556 -92.5788889

100353597Mattheis, S.   Mattheis 1961993-07-05
Missouri, Vernon, Camp Clark, transect 17.

100353588Karola E. Mlekush   Mlekush 8171994-09-10
Missouri, Newton, MO National Guard Camp Crowder, south section center road., 36.7797223 -94.3702778

3551270Bill Summers|Joe Ryan   Summers 45341991-06-19
Missouri, Laclede, 3 mi. north of Bennett Springs on the Niangua River. shady woods bordering dolomite glade, 37.7575 -92.84972

3551504Bill Summers|Carol Dodds   Summers 71221994-09-16
Missouri, Oregon, Greer Spring Special Management Area, Mark Twain National Forest, Boomhole Bluff, ca. 1 1/2 mi SW of McCormack Lake on the Eleven Point River steep chert wooded slopes on the west end of bluff in a large azalea stand, 36.80611 -91.36138

3506618Arthur Christ   Christ s. n.1969-09-23
Missouri, Jefferson, Seckman in dry rocky woods, 38.40222 -90.43333

3522556Stan Hudson   Hudson 7931995-08-13
Missouri, Butler, Forest Service Road 3101, just W of its junction with Forest Service Road 3554 oak-hickory woods above small pond N of bend in road; plants found dead and dry, 36.8875 -90.2875

100353593Paul L. Redfearn, Jr.   Redfearn Jr. 276531971-10-23
Missouri, Polk, Open glade and forest near tributary to Little Sac, ca 1.5 miles Neof Eudora, 37.4908333 -93.5183334

3548909Bill Summers   Summers 47191991-10-01
Missouri, Phelps, 2 mi. west of Mill Creek valley. shady woods in leaf litter., 37.82916 -91.97777

3570346Bruce Schuette   Schuette 04281982-09-20
Missouri, Lincoln, Cuivre River State Park, trail, mossy hill, along mossy hill trail on mossy hill mossy hill, dry limestone forest with a cherty residuum on surface; wnw facing slope., 39.03944 -90.90722

3505105Benjamin F. Bush   Bush s.n.1893-07-24
Missouri, McDonald

3521209Burnetta Hinterthuer   Hinterthuer 9391973-09-05
Missouri, Monroe, Salt River Basin, North Fork Salt River. Highway 107 bridge growing in woods above bank of river. soil sandy. limestone outcrops along bank, 39.50666 -91.80083

3510014Melvin L. Conrad   Conrad 55151969-07-21
Missouri, Adair, 3.3 mi N75degW of Kirksville in oak-hickory woods; saprophyte

3530761Ernest J. Palmer   Palmer 23521909-06-27
Missouri, Jasper, Scotland rare in dry soil, 37.08305 -94.37694

391003James S. Miller|Heidi H. Schmidt   Miller 53541990-06-29
Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Pickle Springs Natural Area, just S of state route 32., 37.8 -90.25, 300m

100656529George Yatskievych   Yatskievych 79-5281979-08-11
Arizona, Cochise, Huachuca Mountains; Pat Scott Canyon,near Hamburg Mine.

3501375Joseph W. Blankinship   Blankinship s.n.1887-07-16
Missouri, Greene, Pearl, 37.35166 -93.48638

3535796Colton Russell   Russell 3261895-00-00
Missouri, Saint Louis, Creve Coeur Lake, 38.71111 -90.48861

100353584Paul L. Redfearn, Jr.   Redfearn Jr. 293441974-04-27
Missouri, Christian, Just E of Highway 65, ca 13 miles S of Ozark.

3554917George Yatskievych|Bill Summers   Yatskievych 98-531998-06-11
Missouri, Scott, Tywappity Community Lake, on e side of Chaffee at N end of County Highway RA; trail around lake near mouth of large ravine on N side (opposite dam) mesic upland forest on loess-derived soil of Crowley's Ridge; locally common along trailunder Quercus, Acer, Carya, Fagus, Liquidambar, and Liriodendron, with abundant Polystichum, Adiantum, and Onoclea, 37.19138 -89.64027, 125m

3506593Arthur Christ   Christ s. n.1969-08-08
Missouri, Jefferson, S. of Eureka in dry rocky woods

3504847Benjamin F. Bush   Bush s.n.1891-07-22
Missouri, Shannon, rare

3535727Deborah Rowan   Rowan 11731994-09-15
Missouri, Madison, N facing slope above Gimlet Creek 10-12 plants on flat area part way down slope in high quality mesic/dry-mesic dolomite forest, 37.35277 -90.26388

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