TEX00064341 E. M. Marsh 2029 1939-08-23
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatro Ciénegas
TEX00064342 Albert Michael Powell|Billie Lee Turner 2284 1972-05-22
Mexico, Coahuila, Ca 7 mi S of Cuatro Ciénegas
TEX00064343 Guy L. Nesom|Julia Nesom 7002 1989-05-07
Mexico, Coahuila, Lamadrid, 6.6 mi E of Sacramento (centro) on Hwy 30 (Monclova-Cuatro Ciénegas); at RR crossing, ca 1 mi E of Celemania
TEX00064346 Guy L. Nesom|Julia Wells 7045 1989-06-05
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatrocienegas, Ca 2.2 mi SSW of Cuatro Ciénegas (centro) on Hwy 30 toward Torreón
TEX00064347 Guy L. Nesom 7044 1989-06-05
Mexico, Coahuila, Lamadrid, 5.4 mi W of turnoff to Lamadrid on Hwy 30, 1.9 mi E of jct with rd to San Juan de Boquillas, at RR crossing and crossing of large irrigation stream
TEX00064348 Guy L. Nesom 7043 1989-06-05
Mexico, Coahuila, 0.7 mi E of Celemania on Hwy 30 between Monclova and Cuatro Ciénegas; just N of low Sa. Mpio Celemania, 27.04 -101.67
TEX00064349 Guy L. Nesom 7050 1989-06-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatrocienegas, Ca 11 mi SSW of Cuatro Ciénegas on Hwy 30 toward Torreón, ca 1.5 mi S of turnoff to Río Mezuites Balneario, 26.84 -102.1411
TEX00064350 Guy L. Nesom 7050 1989-06-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatrocienegas, Ca 11 mi SSW of Cuatro Ciénegas on Hwy 30 toward Torreón, ca 1.5 mi S of turnoff to Río Mezuites Balneario, 26.84 -102.1411
TEX00064351 Guy L. Nesom 7049 1989-06-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatrocienegas, Ca 9 mi SSW of Cuatro Ciénegas on Hwy 30 toward Torreón; area of Balneario Río Mezquites, public swimming area
TEX00064352 Guy L. Nesom 7042 1989-06-05
Mexico, Coahuila, 2.2 mi E of Celemania on Hwy 30, between Monclova and Cuatro Ciénegas, at RR crossing, 26.703022 -101.897401
TEX00064356 Michael Nee|George Diggs 25399 1982-07-27
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatrocienegas, Along Hwy Méx 30, 2.5 Km S of turnoff to Balnearios El Mezquite, 11 Km SW of Cuatro Ciénegas
TEX00064357 David J. Bogler|Tom Atkins 111 1987-08-24
Mexico, Coahuila, NW of Pozo Becerra
TEX00064358 David J. Bogler|Tom Atkins 111 1987-08-24
Mexico, Coahuila, NW of Pozo Becerra
TEX00064359 James S. Henrickson|Scott Sundberg 12252 1973-08-12
Mexico, Coahuila, Ca 72 (air) mi SW of Cuatro Ciénegas, on E side of Sa de las Delicias, around spring 1.5 mi SW of Las Delicias.
TEX00423803 Guy L. Nesom 7050 1989-06-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatrocienegas, Ca 11 mi SSW of Cuatro Ciénegas on Hwy 30 toward Torreón, ca 1.5 mi S of turnoff to Río Mezuites Balneario, 26.84 -102.1411
TEX00432773 James S. Henrickson 23575 2004-06-09
Mexico, Coahuila, At Hermernas or Primero de Mayo at Hot Springs W of Hwy 57 along Hwy to San Buenaventura (0.5 mi W of Hwy 57)., 27.21667 -101.23333
TEX00451734 Miguel Angel Carranza Pérez|Ismael Ramírez S.|M. Narcia C-4498 2006-10-20
Mexico, Coahuila, San Pedro, Ejido Nuevo Delicias, Cañon el Ojo de Agua., 26.2002 -102.81679
TEX00508052 J. Howeth|A. Contreras|Geoff Denny 18 2002-04-13
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatrocienegas, On road to Las Playitas from Cuatro Ciénegas on right side., 26.91493 -102.04233
TEX00508053 J. Howeth|A. Contreras|Geoff Denny 18a 2002-04-13
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatrocienegas, On road to Las Playitas from Cuatro Ciénegas on right side., 26.91493 -102.04233
TEX00568711 James S. Henrickson 18922 1982-06-13
Mexico, Coahuila, Monclova, 39 km NNE of Monclova just below the hot springs at Est. Hermanas (=Primero de Mayo).
Mexico, Coahuila