TEX00085107 Hugh H. Iltis|Robert Koeppen|Frank S. Iltis 551 1960-07-30
Mexico, Jalisco, Along rd from Jiquilpan to Cd Guzmán, in Mts S of Michoacán border. ca 3 Km NE and above Puerta El Zapatero (above Rancho El Terrero and 2.5 Km S of Espinal), 19.86667 -103.05
TEX00085108 M. Fuentes O. 607 1988-08-29
Mexico, Jalisco, Tamazula de Gordiano, Monte Cerrado, 19 Km directamente al E de Cd Guzmán, sobre brecha de Vista Hermosa a El Durazno
TEX00085109 C. Bulmán 17803 1985-11-18
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Laguna de La María, San Antonio
TEX00085110 J. Jesús Guerrero Nuño 278 1989-08-05
Mexico, Jalisco, Tecolotlan, Sa de Quila, Ladera S del Cerro Huehuentón
TEX00085111 González C. 12186 1981-06-07
Mexico, Jalisco, Tapalpa, San Antonio
TEX00085112 Miguel Cházaro Basañez|Ellen Dean 6675 1991-08-08
Mexico, Jalisco, Zapopan, Río Blanco, Cerro del Diente
TEX00085114 S. Guerrero A.|Gabriela Perea G. 424 1992-09-28
Mexico, Jalisco, Zapopan, Cerro del Diente, 1 Km al N de Río Blanco
TEX00085115 Alice Jack|Marcia Sydor 053 1990-07-29
Mexico, Jalisco, Los Ailes, 9 mi NW of Los Curatos on Hwy 80
TEX00085116 Alice Jack|Marcia Sydor 053 1990-07-29
Mexico, Jalisco, Los Ailes, 9 mi NW of Los Curatos on Hwy 80
TEX00085117 J. Villa C.|J. Chávez L. 835 1990-08-13
Mexico, Jalisco, Mazamitla, 15 Km al E de Mazamitla, brecha al Puerto del Zapatero
TEX00085119 Sergio Zamudio Ruíz 5394 1987-08-10
Mexico, Michoacan, Maravatio, Las Palmas, Santa Mónica
TEX00085120 Rogers McVaugh 183 1959-08-08
Mexico, Michoacan, Cerro Santa María, 8-10 Km SW of Jiquilpan and ca 5 Km NE of Quitupan, Jal.
TEX00085121 Carlos Luis Díaz Luna 15925 1985-08-10
Mexico, Jalisco, La Manzanilla de la Paz, Km 5 carr La Manzanilla-Mazamitlá
TEX00085122 Carlos Luis Díaz Luna 832 1968-08-20
Mexico, Jalisco, Zapopan, Carr Tesistán-San Cristóbal de La Barranca
TEX00085123 Carlos Luis Díaz Luna 8834 1977-08-12
Mexico, Jalisco, Sayula, Km 13 carr Sayula-Venustiano Carranza
TEX00085124 Albert Michael Powell|J. R. Edmondson 869 1961-08-24
Mexico, Jalisco, 6 mi W of Guadalajara, hills along rte 15
TEX00085125 J. A. Soule|D. J. Loockerman 2666 1991-08-18
Mexico, Jalisco, Bridge over stream; 2 mi W of intersection of rd to La Huerta on way to Talpa de Allende from Los Vols, 20.41667 -104.75
TEX00085126 Robert Merrill King 3659 1960-08-08
Mexico, Jalisco, Ca 3 mi NW of Guadalajara, fields along rte 15, 20.7 -103.37
TEX00085127 Hugh H. Iltis 29174 1984-06-18
Mexico, Jalisco, Tapalpa, Sa de Tapalpa, ca 3 Km NNE of Tapalpa, on W side of rd to Laguna Sayula at Km 29. Sa de Tapalpa: Top, ridges, and crevices of large NE-facing 50 high steep basalt (?) cliffs (Cerro de Talcozagua), 19.96667 -103.75
TEX00085129 Charles Feddema 398 1959-08-11
Mexico, Nayarit, 10 mi SE of Ahuacatlán, on the rd to Barranca del Oro and Amatlán, 20.95935 -104.46779
TEX00085130 David J. Keil|Melissa Luckow 15638 1981-09-19
Mexico, Nayarit, Méx rte 15, 7.2 mi N of jctn of Méx rtes 15 and 68D, 8.6 mi S of La Labor turnoff
TEX00085131 Jerzy Rzedowski 51568 1992-07-21
Mexico, Michoacan, Morelia, 5 Km al N de Atécuaro
TEX00085132 Jerzy Rzedowski 51568 1992-07-21
Mexico, Michoacan, Morelia, 5 Km al N de Atécuaro
TEX00435604 Mitch Provance 5405 2002-08-01
Mexico, Michoacan, Tzintzuntzan, New Volacnic Axis: Vicinity of Tzintzuntzan and Zurumataro, east of Presa de Patzcuaro., 19.56667 -101.58333
TEX00435605 Mitch Provance 8181 2002-08-10
Mexico, Jalisco, San Martin Hidalgo, Sierra Madre Occidental: San Geronimo, along the road to Quila, ca. 4miles SW of San Martin Hidalgo., 20.36667 -103.96667
TEX00462256 Taylor Sultan Quedensley|S. I. Arroyo A. 10151 2009-08-08
Mexico, Jalisco, Ayotlan, Sierra Madre Occidentale; along highway 70 from Ameca to Mascota, between kilometer markers 81 and 82, 8.5 miles north of Mirandillas., 20.36992 -104.60261