TEX00229027 Keith Peterson|Jeffrey L. Strachan|Kathy Ahlenslager 703 1982-10-03
Mexico, Chihuahua, Along Méx Hwy 24 to El Vergel, 10.9 mi W of jct with Méx Hwy 12 near Hidalgo del Parral
TEX00229028 Keith Peterson|Jeffrey L. Strachan|Kathy Ahlenslager 709 1982-10-03
Mexico, Chihuahua, Along Méx Hwy 24, 15.4 mi E of El Vergel, 58.1 mi W of jct with Méx Hwy 12 near Hidalgo del Parral
TEX00229029 Keith Peterson 850 1984-07-15
Mexico, Chihuahua, Along S side of Méx Hwy 24 to El Vergel NW from Hidalgo del Parral, 10.3 mi W of jct of Hwy 12 and 45, S of Hidalgo del Parral
TEX00229030 Pedro Tenorio L.|Antonio Salinas T. 9088 1985-06-24
Mexico, Puebla, Nicolas Bravo, 1 km al NW de Nicolas Bravo, 18.65 -97.31667
TEX00229033 Bertha McKee Dobie 59 1934-09-01
Mexico, Chihuahua
TEX00229034 Robert A. Bye 9623 1979-10-19
Mexico, Chihuahua, Guachochi, Near pass between Humira and Basiguare, near km 47.9 of Creel-Guachochi rd
TEX00229035 Robert A. Bye 7878 1977-08-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Guachochi, S of pass between Humira and Basiguare on Creel-Guachochic rd, ca km 47+600
TEX00229036 Dennis E. Breedlove|F. S. Kawahara 61255 1984-08-31
Mexico, Chihuahua, Above Basahuare 45 Km S of Creel on rd to Guachochic
TEX00229038 Ervin M. Wilson|Albert Vermeeren S/N 1972-08-16
Mexico, Chihuahua, Between Cuzarare and Basihuare, Sa Madre Occidental
TEX00229039 James L. Reveal|William Hess 3020 1972-09-12
Mexico, Chihuahua, Along the dirt rd from Hidalgo del Parral to El Vergel, about 42 mi W of Parral and 6 mi W of Ojito, Sa Madre Occidental