1602990 Stephen A. Sutter Sutter 30 1970-04-12
Missouri, Stoddard
1603387 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 14848 1919-04-18
Illinois, Union, Open rocky hillside woods, escaped
1603482 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 76358A 1954-08-08
Missouri, Shannon, Top of ridge near skunk pond, t30n,r6w,sec.15 nw 1/4. 6 Miles ne of hartshorn
1603561 Frank A. Gilbert Gilbert 683 1938-04-14
West Virginia, Cabell, Edge of thicket
3500592 Anonymous Anonymous 359 1928-04-28
Missouri, Saint Louis, Pacific, 38.48194 -90.74138
3504250 Benjamin F. Bush Bush 6679 1912-05-10
Missouri, Jackson, Greenwood woods, 38.85166 -94.34361
3547393 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 9583 1934-04-21
Missouri, Audrain, S of Mexico open places
100355872 L. C. Stanton Stanton s.n. 1929-07-05
Missouri, Greene, NW 3 miles of Ash Grove MO.
100533031 Tracy Scott|Andrew Townesmith Scott 44 2006-07-28
Oregon, Marion, Willamette National Forest. Near McCoy Creek Winter Sports Shelter. Along Forest Road 2233, about 7.8 mi from Rte. 22. In open area near juntions of Forest Road 2233 and 635., 44.7252778 -121.9675, 1331m
1603085 Harry E. Ahles Ahles 66774 1967-06-16
New York, Dutchess, Naturalized in woodland borders, ahles' property on nub street
1643714 Joe Ryan Ryan 1545 1990-04-21
Missouri, Boone, Rock bridge memorial state park: in wooded thicket of old homesite area n of Bonne femme church road parking lot, 241m
1642360 Joe Ryan Ryan 1654 1990-06-18
Missouri, Boone, Rock bridge memorial state park: in wooded thicket n of bonne femme church rd Parking lot at old homesite, 241m
1602924 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 20404 1921-09-08
Missouri, Ralls, Rocky hillsides. Adventive
100806699 Anonymous Anonymous s.n. 1928-04-28
Missouri, Franklin, Pacific, 38.4819445 -90.7413889
3529573 R.T. Ovrebo Ovrebo W1294 1989-10-16
Missouri, Pulaski, Fort Leonard Wood Army Base, Bradford Cemetery edge of oak-hickory forest, gently rolling ridgetop; Viraton silt loamQuercus stellata, Q. marilandica, Q. alba, Carya texana, C. tomentosa, 37.6930555 -92.1108333
1615411 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 80942 1956-05-11
Missouri, Cedar, Trees 15 ft tall, well established in thickets on edge of woodland bordering Prairie. Natural prairie on rolling ground along e side of hwy 64, 4 miles e of El dorado springs
100355874 Paul L. Redfearn, Jr.|Grant L. Pyrah|Wallace R. Weber|L.E. Milliger|John T. Witherspoon Redfearn Jr. 1237 1969-09-13
Missouri, Dent, Ozark National Scenic Riverways, slope above Current River, Station 21, Site 3., 36.6288889 -91.6872222, 277 - 343m
100377932 Anonymous Anonymous s.n.
Missouri, Warren, Warrenton, 38.8114 -91.1414
1603277 Harry E. Ahles Ahles 86507 1979-04-30
Massachusetts, Franklin, Wooded bank of river, along the connecticut river
1603337 Andrea Dunn Dunn 42 1968-04-13
Missouri, Boone, Ornamental tree. 1308 Hinkson street