Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Tradescantia leiandra, Tradescantia leiandra var. glandulosa, Tradescantia leiandra var. leiandra
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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pilotorch2 - Now TEX for TORCH Georef testing

Tradescantia leiandra (err.typ.biandra) Torr.
TEX00309274Ellen Keough   1681964-09-30
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Above falls en route to Fern Canyon at Mitre Peak Girl Scout Camp.

Tradescantia leiandra (err.typ.biandra) Torr.
TEX00309275L. C. Hinckley   s.n.1936-01-01
United States, Texas, Presidio, Chinati Mountains.

Tradescantia leiandra (err.typ.biandra) Torr.
TEX00309276Barton H. Warnock   T5861938-07-26
United States, Texas, Brewster, Frequent at Sunny Glenn among shrubs, etc.

Tradescantia leiandra (err.typ.biandra) Torr.
TEX00441545James S. Henrickson|David H. Riskind   242332005-08-31
United States, Texas, Presidio, +/- 24 airmiles NNW of Presidio on the SW side of Chinati Mts. In Chinati Mtns. State Natural Area. In slopes and canyons above and NE of he historic Burney Mine., 29.9 -104.5

Tradescantia leiandra (err.typ.biandra) Torr.
TEX00442078Emily J. Lott|Susan P. Rankin|Mary L. Butterwick   53012004-09-16
United States, Texas, Presidio, Chinati Mtns. State Natural Area. Upper Cinco de Mayo Canyon. Parallel and to W of San Antonio Canyon. Bouldery slopes of N-S trending canyon., 29.91306 -104.49

Tradescantia leiandra (err.typ.biandra) Torr.
TEX00473799Billie Lee Turner|Gayle Turner   96-1141996-09-22
United States, Texas, Brewster, Turners’ Canyon. 5 airline miles W of Alpine., 30.35 -103.75

pilotorch1 - Now BRIT for TORCH Georef testing

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT480599Barton H. Warnock   81181948-08-16
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Frequent on top of Major Peak. Kokernot Ranch; Davis Mts., 1585m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT480598D. S. Correll   137041946-08-07
United States, Texas, Brewster, South slope of Mt. Emory, Chisos Mountains.

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