TEX00037073 William R. Carr|David H. Riskind|K. Bryan|Pat McNeal 10963 1991-03-04
United States, Texas, Presidio, E facing slope, ca. 0.7 airmiles SSW of Solitaro Peak. Big Bend Ranch SNA. The Soliario Quadrangle., 29.465 -103.84611
TEX00037074 Mary L. Butterwick|Stuart Strong 607 1975-06-02
United States, Texas, Brewster, Ca. 1 mi. N of Tres Papalotes in the Solitario, on the Big Bend Ranch.
TEX00093093 Miguel Agustín Carranza|L. García S. C-1168 1991-09-11
Mexico, Coahuila, Ocampo, Rancho La Cruz, ca 25 Km por la brecha Ocampo-Sa Mojada, entrando por el Rancho San Pedro, 27.25 -102.66667
TEX00093107 James S. Henrickson|P. Bekey 18470-A 1980-09-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ca 39 air mi NE of Cd Chihuahua on E side of limestone Sa El Morrion near Mina La Nueva Esperanza, 28.91667 -105.53333
TEX00357768 Jackie M. Poole|Ben Brown|David D. Diamond|Bob Murphy 2563 1984-08-25
United States, Texas, Presidio, The Solitario, in draw W of Fresno Peak, Big Bend Ranch.
TEX00357769 William R. Carr|David H. Riskind|Pat McNeal 10962 1991-03-04
United States, Texas, Presidio, 0.7 airmiles 175 map degrees from summit of Solitario Peak, S of Right Hand Shut Up, E of road to Burnt Camp. Big Bend Ranch SNA. The Solitario Quadrangle., 29.45556 -103.83778
TEX00357770 Marshall C. Johnston 3440 1958-10-12
United States, Texas, Presidio, .25 miles N of Solitario Peak., 29.46667 -103.98333
TEX00357772 Gregg McKenzie 324 1959-06-29
United States, Texas, Brewster, Packsaddle Mountain, 65 miles S of Alpine.
TEX00357773 Barton H. Warnock 20422 1964-06-17
United States, Texas, Brewster, 18 miles S of Marathon.
TEX00357774 Barton H. Warnock 20423 1964-06-17
United States, Texas, Brewster, 18 miles S of Marathon.
TEX00357775 Marshall C. Johnston 3610 1958-11-08
United States, Texas, Brewster, 12 miles S of Marathon., 30.030961 -103.244621
TEX00357776 Marshall C. Johnston 3608 1958-11-08
United States, Texas, Brewster, 12 miles S of Marathon.
TEX00357777 Marshall C. Johnston 3606 1958-11-08
United States, Texas, Brewster, 12 miles S of Marathon.
TEX00357783 Barton H. Warnock 612 1947-06-29
United States, Texas, Brewster, At mouth of protected canyon along highway. 16 miles S of Marathon.
TEX00418127 James S. Henrickson|P. Bekey 18470-A 1980-09-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Ca 39 air mi NE of Cd Chihuahua on E side of limestone Sa El Morrion near Mina La Nueva Esperanza, 28.91667 -105.53333
TEX00440975 J. J. Clark 1123 1985-06-22
United States, Texas, Presidio, Navac ridgetop. Solitario.
TEX00578551 Marshall Johnston C. 3607 1958-11-08
United States, Texas, Brewster, 12 miles south Marathon.
BRIT245129 D. S. Correll 23757 1961-04-22
United States, Texas, Brewster, North-facing talus slope, below rimrock, Bear Creek, about 30 miles southeast of Marathon.
OKLA020027298 D. S. Correll & M. C. Johnston 24578 1961-09-13
United States, Texas, Brewster, 8 miles E of the Marathon-Big Bend Park highway on the Chaney Ranch road (about 15 miles SE of Marathon)
OKLA020027297 B. L. Turner 1323 1949-07-31
United States, Texas, Brewster, Agua Frio Mt., 1372m