TEX00167703 David J. Rosen 4641 2007-10-25
United States, Texas, Chambers, Small, low-lying remnant clayey prairie on private property along St. Hwy 124, between High Island and Winnie., 29.67281 -94.37372
TEX00188224 LeRoy Harvey H.|John T. Witherspoon 9220 1972-09-26
Mexico, Tamaulipas, 26 mi S of Cd Monte on Méx 85
TEX00188225 Cyrus Guernsey Pringle 3284 1890-10-07
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Near Cárdenas
TEX00188226 J. G. Graham|Marshall C. Johnston 4642 1959-11-12
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, 11 mi NW of Linares
TEX00188227 F. Martínez Martínez|G. Borja Luvando F-2360 1956-10-04
Mexico, Tamaulipas, 64 Km from Soto la Marina on the (old, winding) rd to Casas and Victoria
TEX00188228 F. Martínez Martínez|G. Borja Luvando F-2336 1956-10-03
Mexico, Tamaulipas, 35 Km from Victoria, on the rd to Casas and Soto La Marina
TEX00188229 Harde LeSueur 664 1939-02-11
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Santa Fe
TEX00188230 J. G. Graham|Marshall C. Johnston 4714-A 1959-11-14
Mexico, Tamaulipas, 23 mi from the San Fernando-Matamoros Hwy jct on the gravel rd to Reynosa (3 mi N of Rancho El Garateno)
TEX00196172 William R. Carr|Clifford Harrell|Wade Harrell 22348 2003-10-13
United States, Texas, Refugio, In scarcely perceptible drainageway leading to North St. Nicholas Lake, Both sides of main N-S road on W arm of Welder Ranch, ca. 0.7 airmiles NE of center of North St. Nicholas Lake. Vidaurri Quadrangle., 28.47098 -97.20417
TEX00213925 J. Spencer|N. Duane Atwood|R. Spencer 946 1998-09-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ca 4 mi up Piedras Verdes River, where diverted into canal just before entering Max Spillsbury's ranch. In Sa La Brena on E slope of Sa Madre Occidental, 30.33333 -108.13333
TEX00316906 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 3286 1925-10-25
United States, Texas, Bee, Bee County.
TEX00316907 Marshall C. Johnston 5319.2 1953-06-18
United States, Texas, Kenedy, Near Juidos Windmill, Norias Division of King Ranch.
TEX00316908 Robert Runyon 5510 1927-07-04
United States, Texas, Cameron, Brownsville.
TEX00316909 W. A. Silveus 841-A 1932-11-01
United States, Texas, Jackson, Lolita, Texas.
TEX00316910 Samuel Mills Tracy 7385 1901-09-16
United States, Texas, Wharton, Pierce., 29.239139 -96.199962
TEX00316911 Fred B. Jones 4274 1960-09-26
United States, Texas, San Patricio, Welder Wildlife Refuge, in clayey pasture openings south of Pollito Lake.
TEX00316912 Floyd R. Waller, Jr.|J. A. Bauml 2958 1974-07-31
United States, Texas, Galveston, Fallow field at corner of 27th Street and Broadway, San Leon.
TEX00316913 W. A. Silveus 842 1932-10-25
United States, Texas, Jefferson, Port Arthur, Texas.
TEX00362869 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 49070 1949-06-16
United States, Texas, Kenedy, Vegetation of El Toro Island, "Mud Flats" of Laguna Madre.
TEX00362870 Marshall C. Johnston 541083 1954-07-06
United States, Texas, Kenedy, Sandy prairie at Norias gate on highway 77, railroad right-of-way.
TEX00362871 W. A. Silveus 6426 1940-09-29
United States, Texas, Jackson, River bank, near Edna, Texas.
TEX00362872 Floyd R. Waller, Jr.|J. A. Bauml 2963 1974-07-31
United States, Texas, Galveston, Frequent, fallow field at corner of 27th Street and Broadway, San Leon.
TEX00362874 W. A. Silveus 7366 1941-10-23
United States, Texas, Jefferson, On vacant lot, Port Arthur.
TEX00362875 W. A. Silveus 452 1931-11-13
United States, Texas, Jefferson, Port Arthur.
TEX00464603 David J. Rosen|S. Lawrence 6152 2013-10-10
United States, Texas, Galveston, Plants of Galveston Island State Park. On and N of hwy 3005 at the SW boundary of the park, along disturbed fire-break/road on the edge of saline grassland (Management Area 4)., 29.18535 -94.9694
TEX00476312 William R. Carr 25237 2006-10-19
United States, Texas, Kleberg, W side of San Fernando Creek ca. 0.5 airmiles downstream from (SSE of) mouth of Tranquitas Creek, just outside perimeter fence at Gate 6, Naval Air Station Kingsville, 2.6 airmiles ENE of jct. US Rt. 77 and St. Rt. 425. Kingsville East Quadrangle., 27.51325 -97.80411
OKLA020006269 Marshall C. Johnston 53-682 1946-00-00
United States, Texas, Cameron, Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge at Sub-base
OKLA020006268 V. L. Cory 58368 1950-09-29
United States, Texas, Callahan, Highway 36, 3.4 miles west-northwest of Cross Plains