5751 Keith Shaffer 38
United States, Texas, Llano, 15.3 mi W Llano on Hwy 71 West
BCNWR00912 Eddie Hertz 1563 2001-05-08
United States, Texas, Travis, RR 1431; Just E of Burnet Co. line., 30.52844 -98.10127
BCNWR00913 Charles W. Sexton 1612 2001-05-07
United States, Texas, Burnet, RR 1431; 0.5mi W of Travis Co. line., 30.51230122 -97.86343
TCSW000722 Jeremy Voss s.n. 2005-05-18
United States, Texas, Denton, South of Denton on I-35
TCSW000723 Jeremy Voss s.n. 2005-05-18
United States, Texas, Denton, South of Denton on I-35
TCSW000730 Patrick Peterson s.n. 2006-06-01
United States, Texas, Denton, "The Rail Trail" South East Denton
TCSW000745 Albert Ruth 481 1919-06-25
United States, Texas, Tarrant, [No data]
TCSW000753 MBM s.n. 1917-05-19
United States, Texas, Tarrant, [No data]
TEX00016947 Harold Gentry 1262 1952-06-05
United States, Texas, Palo Pinto, Between Mineral Wells and Stephenville., 32.52429 -98.147688
TEX00016948 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Billie Lee Turner|Marshall C. Johnston 541015 1954-06-03
United States, Texas, Leon, Along road on eastern flank of Marquez salt dome.
TEX00018760 William F. Mahler 1135 1960-06-08
United States, Texas, Wichita, Within 100 yds. of shore of New City (Iowa Park) Lake, 3.5 mi W of Iowa Park.
TEX00018762 Norlan C. Henderson 63-702 1963-05-04
United States, Texas, Taylor, At Abilene State Park, ca. 20 mi S of Abilene.
TEX00018763 Norlan C. Henderson 63-939 1963-05-19
United States, Texas, Callahan, Along Tex. #36, ca. 14 mi SE of Abilene., 32.262002 -99.560154
TEX00018764 Oak Park School s.n. 1935-04-01
United States, Texas, Eastland, Granger.
TEX00018766 Rogers McVaugh 8313 1947-05-13
United States, Texas, Mason, Ca. 14 mi SE of Mason, on road to Doss.
TEX00018767 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1953-07-24
United States, Texas, Llano, 10 mi E of Llano.
TEX00018768 Eula Whitehouse s.n. 1930-06-01
United States, Texas, Gillespie, Fredericksburg.
TEX00018770 Rev. C. B. Williams 87 1927-04-01
United States, Texas, Goliad, Goliad.
TEX00018772 Wildflower Contest 45 1933-07-01
United States, Texas, Grayson, Denison.
TEX00018774 William Larrey McCart 2075 1940-05-05
United States, Texas, Denton, 2 mi SW of Denton.
TEX00018776 Joe Holt 7216 1928-05-31
United States, Texas, Erath, Stephenville.
TEX00018777 William R. Carr 10691 1990-06-06
United States, Texas, Somervell, E bank of Paluxy River, SW corner of Dinosaur Valley State Park. Glen Rose West Quad., 32.24389 -97.82083
TEX00018778 Hazel Porter 33 1931-01-02
United States, Texas, Comanche, Gustine.
TEX00018780 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 743 1920-05-17
United States, Texas, Burnet, Fairland - Granite Mt.
TEX00018781 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 10491 1989-06-07
United States, Texas, Falls, Along Souther Pacific railroad, 0.4 air mi E of TX 14 at a point 2.1 mi NE of Robertson Co. line. ca. 3.2 air mi NE of Bremond; Bremond 7.5'., 31.21111 -96.64444
TEX00018782 Barton H. Warnock 245 1940-05-14
United States, Texas, Travis, Austin., 30.269516 -97.742377
TEX00018783 William R. Carr 13788 1994-05-06
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Both sides of New Road, 0.3 mi N of East Loop Road, ca. 3.8 airmiles SE of jct. US Rt. 290 and FM 696. Camp Swift Training Site (Texas National Guard). Elgin East Quad., 30.26889 -97.26389
TEX00018784 Carl Clarence Albers 48018 1948-05-03
United States, Texas, Lee, Giddings.
TEX00018785 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Louis Gimbrede 51-535 1951-05-29
United States, Texas, Fayette, Along West Point-Muldoon road.
TEX00018786 Eunice Brackett 254 1938-04-29
United States, Texas, Washington, [Washington Co.; no specific locality cited.]
TEX00018787 Carl Clarence Albers 45Ph025 1945-04-22
United States, Texas, Dewitt, De Witt Co.
TEX00018791 J. B. Henderson 5716 1929-05-01
United States, Texas, Van Zandt, Wills Point.
TEX00018793 Bounds 249 1954-05-16
United States, Texas, Milam, 16 mi N of Rockdale.
TEX00018794 Billie Lee Turner|Matt W. Turner 95-91 1995-05-14
United States, Texas, Robertson, Southeastern most part of county, 2 mi N of intersection of routes 2446 and 1940.
TEX00018795 George L. Fisher 38020 1938-05-05
United States, Texas, Burleson, Tunis.
TEX00018796 R. W. Strandtmann s.n. 1937-05-09
United States, Texas, Brazos, College Station.
TEX00018797 7th Grade s.n. 1934-05-26
United States, Texas, Grimes, Navasota.
TEX00018799 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 6874 1988-05-18
United States, Texas, San Augustine, 0.2 mi SW of gravel rd to Sunrise, 0.9 mi SE of int. TX 21 at a point 1.1 mi E of center of San Augustine, San Augustine East 7.5' Quad. Ridgetop Glade, Caney Creek Glade Complex., 31.51472 -94.08528
TEX00018800 Raymond J. Fleetwood 9799 1970-05-31
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Between Oyster Creek and Brazos River on the Crowell Ranch.
TEX00196700 William R. Carr 23337 2004-05-27
United States, Texas, Goliad, Both sides of main E-W road through NW pasture of Crow Ranch, ca. 500 ft. W of corral at No. 2 Windmill, ca. 1.1-1.2 airmiles NW of FM 2441 bridge over Elkins Branch. Melo Quadranle., 28.59028 -97.41722
TEX00198584 Grady L. Webster|Burford L. Westlund 33575 2001-05-15
United States, Texas, Lee, 5 roadmiles S of Serbin., 30.21667 -97.15833
TEX00201982 Grady L. Webster|Burford L. Westlund 34258 2004-05-26
United States, Texas, Callahan, 2.5 roadmiles W of Cross Plains., 32.13333 -99.20833
TEX00369081 D. Kothman s.n. 1949-06-15
United States, Texas, Mason, 1.5 miles west of Mason.
TEX00369082 Billie Lee Turner|Marshall C. Johnston 2515 1955-05-19
United States, Texas, Mason, 2.6 miles west of Pontotoc.
TEX00369083 Eula Whitehouse s.n. 1930-06-01
United States, Texas, Llano, Enchanted Rock.
TEX00369084 Barton H. Warnock 20561 1940-04-17
United States, Texas, Llano, Enchanted Rock.
TEX00369085 Billie Lee Turner|Marshall C. Johnston 2492 1955-05-19
United States, Texas, Llano, 13.3 miles east of Llano on Highway 29.
TEX00369087 Joe E. Ethridge s.n. 1964-05-03
United States, Texas, Goliad, 5 miles south of Goliad, Highway 183.
TEX00369088 Keith Peterson 43 1964-05-03
United States, Texas, Goliad, 5 miles south of Goliad, Highway 183.
TEX00369089 B. B. Harris s.n. 1926-01-01
United States, Texas, Denton, Denton Co.
TEX00369090 L. Goodwin 5 1959-05-16
United States, Texas, Tarrant, 2 miles north of Highway 257 on Farm Road 5781, 100 yards south.
TEX00369092 L. H. Do 694 1995-05-20
United States, Texas, Freestone, Fairfield Lake State Recreational Area; 6 miles northeast of Fairfield; near Springfield entrance.
TEX00369094 Paul A. Fryxell 1755 1971-05-22
United States, Texas, Brazos, College Station. On roadside E of town., 30.682796 -96.287487
TEX00369095 Charles Wyatt 34 1949-05-07
United States, Texas, Brazos, College Station. Hensell Park.
TEX00369096 Ben D. Oliver s.n. 1945-04-25
United States, Texas, Brazos, College Station.
TEX00369097 G. E. Lord 29 1954-05-01
United States, Texas, Brazos, 3 miles west of College Station.
TEX00369099 H. B. Parks s.n. 1947-05-18
United States, Texas, Brazos, College Station.
TEX00369100 Frank W. Gould 5520 1950-05-04
United States, Texas, Brazos, 3 miles south of College Station on road to Wellborn.
TEX00369101 Gordon B. Wolcott 75 1942-05-08
United States, Texas, Brazos, Near College Station.
TEX00375891 Harold Gentry 2477 1956-05-12
United States, Texas, Freestone, Roadside 12-15 mi. SE of Fairfield., 31.570542 -95.984264
TEX00375892 Grady L. Webster|Burford L. Westlund 33492 2001-05-04
United States, Texas, Presidio, 11.5 mi. SW of Marfa., 30.1 -104.44167
TEX00440423 Walter C. Holmes|Jason R. Singhurst 12243 2002-05-29
United States, Texas, Johnson, Burleson. W side of TX 174 at Shannon Creek.
TEX00441888 Billie Lee Turner|Marshall C. Johnston 2473 1955-05-19
United States, Texas, Burnet, 8 mi. E of Burnet.
TEX00441889 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1935-05-02
United States, Texas, Travis, Austin., 30.269516 -97.742377
TEX00441890 Marion Stalz s.n. 1935-05-11
United States, Texas, Fayette, La Grange.
TEX00441891 Marguerite Riedel s.n. 1942-04-26
United States, Texas, Dewitt, W. De Witt Co.
TEX00442012 William R. Carr 15304 1996-05-08
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Ca. 100-300 ft. N of St. Rt. 71, 1.4-1.5 roadmiles SE of Pope Bend Rd, or ca. 5.7-5.8 roadmiles SE of Travis Co. line. McKiney Roughs Tract (Lower Colorado River Authority). Utley Quadrangle., 30.1325 -97.45111
TEX00442391 William R. Carr|Wade Harrell 23123 2004-04-29
United States, Texas, Goliad, At top of slope above S side of San Antonio River, along main road on Shouse Ranch just W of Big House, N of St. Rt. 239, ca. 4.6 airmiles ESE of St. Rt. 239 bridge over Cadena Creek, ca. 2.5 airmiles NE of center of Live Oak Lake, near N28o36'20.6", W097, 28.60572 -97.25761
TEX00443110 R. W. Scora 2038 1962-08-28
United States, Texas, Wise, 6 mi. NNE of Springtown (Cottondale 7.5' Q) Along fence., 33.04306 -97.66111
TEX00445168 Walter C. Holmes 12865 2004-05-10
United States, Texas, Robertson, White Rock. Ca. 9 mi. NE of Bremond on FM 2954.
TEX00455239 Laura L. Hansen 5921 2008-05-17
United States, Texas, Mason, At Mason Mountain Wildlife Management Area, in Middle Pasture, 0.3 miles northeast of Headquarters Building., 30.82113 -99.22061
TEX00457730 William R. Carr 28914 2010-06-02
United States, Texas, Palo Pinto, E bank of Brazos River at Fortune Bend, ca. 7-8 airmiles NW of jct. US Rt. 180 and St. Rt. 4 in Palo Pinto., 32.82456 -98.41153
TEX00460859 David J. Rosen 5689 2012-05-15
United States, Texas, Fort Bend, Brazos Bend State Park, on and E of FM 762, 2.5 km N of its intersection with FM 1462, about 50 km SW of the City of Houston. In the southern extent of the park (Management Unit 6)., 29.36771 -95.62897
TEX00463949 Laura L. Hansen 7239 2013-06-12
United States, Texas, Brown, NE of Brownwood, at Muse Wildlife Management Area, near the Headquarters Building., 31.89131 -98.83715
TEX00464181 William R. Carr 30419 2012-04-18
United States, Texas, Bastrop, E side of Alum Creek on Hoppy Spring Tract, ca. 1.4-1.6 airmiles SSE of jct. St. Rt. 21 and F. M. 1441 NE of Bastrop. Bastrop State Park. Smithville NW Quadrangle., 30.13242 -97.21528
TEX00468990 William R. Carr 33168 2013-06-12
United States, Texas, Colorado, NW side of Ratliff Creek ca. 0.8-0.9 airmiles SSW of F. M. 806 overpass of I-10 on SW side of Columbus. Columbus Quadrangle., 29.68188 -96.56655
TEX00469210 Cate Bergman 318 2003-05-07
United States, Texas, Lee, ‘Roadside collecting along FM 320 (old Elkin Rd.) N of FM 318 and S of FM 419, 30.47420018 -97.03647241
TEX00469244 Cate Bergman 352 2003-05-22
United States, Texas, Lee, Lake Somerville S.P, Nails Creek Unit, along “restricted” access road beyond park ranger residence, 30.29017 -96.66683
TEX00469527 Cate Bergman 661 2004-04-18
United States, Texas, Lee, FM 696, 2.4 miles E of Lee/Bastrop county line. 75 feet from Mine Creek, 30.37633 -97.2155
TEX00469991 Cate Bergman 1167 2005-05-11
United States, Texas, Lee, Along CR 309 - 1 mi S of junction with FM 696. 1.2 airmiles SSE from Blue., 30.38183 -97.13267
TEX00470856 D. T. MacRoberts 2678 1978-05-28
United States, Texas, Burnet, Hwy. 29 c. 10 miles west of Burnet.
TEX00479210 Thomas J. Watson, Jr. 1878-F 1993-06-12
United States, Texas, Wilbarger, On US Hwy. 183, 2.2 mi. N of intersection with US Hwy. 287, NW of Oklaunion.
TEX00488849 Laura L. Hansen 8454 2015-05-12
United States, Texas, San Saba, Southwest of San Saba and west of Cherokee, along Farm Road 501, 1.2 miles north of junction with Highway 71.
TEX00488890 Laura L. Hansen 8428 2015-05-11
United States, Texas, McCulloch, Southeast of Brady and southeast of Voca, along Highway 71, 0.1 mile southeast of County Road 222. UTM 4882 34264.
TEX00500461 Jeffrey D. Carstens JDC/XX/2018/043/856 2018-05-24
United States, Texas, Rusk, Located approximately 5.0 miles north, northwest of Mt. Enterprise off State Highway 259, 1.5 miles south of FM 1798., 31.98536 -94.71131
TEX00516514 Arthur C. Gibson|Jack Beckett 6139 2014-06-04
United States, Texas, Williamson, Intersection of CR 442 and FM 112, E of Shiloh.
TEX00532815 Ernst H. Muncrief 58 1944-06-09
United States, Oklahoma, Payne, 8.5 miles west of Stillwater.
TEX00532816 Glenn Dillingham 28 1935-06-06
United States, Oklahoma, Payne, 2 mi. S. of Stillwater.
TEX00532817 Delzie Demaree 12787 1936-05-23
United States, Oklahoma, Cleveland, Black jack hills, 4 miles east of Norman.
TEX00532818 Harold Crowder 44 1938-06-01
United States, Oklahoma, Payne, 9 mi. W. x 3 mi. S. of Stillwater.
TEX00537773 John L. Neff 02-05-02-02 2002-05-02
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Camp Swift., 30.275666667 -97.333166667
TEX00550028 Arthur C. Gibson 7136 2019-05-29
United States, Texas, Milam, Milam CR 455 next to pastureland, 2.5 km E of Williamson County line.
TEX00557143 Whitney L. Behr|Kyle Simpson 41 2019-06-14
United States, Texas, Hill, Lofers Bend Park, on the southeast end of Lake Whitney. On the north side of the fence north of TX-22., 31.892 -97.338
TEX00564196 Dora Sylvester 2345 1995-06-23
United States, Texas, Clay, TX 148 - 8.6 Mi. N. of Henrietta.
TEX00564197 Dora Sylvester s.n. 1980-05-26
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Service Rd. - I30 1 mi w. of Fielder, Arlington.
TEX00570990 Arthur C. Gibson 7932 2021-04-20
United States, Texas, Williamson, FM 619, several km north of Structure.
TEX00576587 Katy Mendez KLM0003 2022-05-12
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Smithville, 78957, 403 Old Antioch Rd. Stengl Biological Station., 30.09916 -97.17252
BRITWORK10338 E. Whitehouse 10079 1945-06-22
United States, Texas, Montague
BRITWORK362641 Eula Whitehouse 16224 1946-07-04
United States, Texas, Denton, 3 miles north of Grapevine at Cheatum Oaks.
BRITWORK362651 Eula Whitehouse 11498 1935-06-00
United States, Texas, Johnson, Near Cleburne.