00447367 A. A. Heller 1902-12-02
United States, Puerto Rico
00431349 A. A. Heller 1900-01-30
United States, Puerto Rico
TEX00222582 John H. Beaman 5131 1971-10-19
Mexico, Veracruz, Catemaco, Lado SE de Lago Catemaco arriba del Río Cuetzalapan
TEX00238521 Alvaro Campos V. 3237 1990-08-06
Mexico, Oaxaca, 43.6 Km al SW de San Jerónimo Coatlán, brecha a Progreso, Dto Miahutlán SAN JERÓNIMO COATLÃN, 16.18333 -96.98333
TEX00238522 Alvaro Campos V. 2735 1988-12-21
Mexico, Oaxaca, 23 Km al SW de San Jerónimo Coatlán, brecha a Piedra Larga, Dto Miahuatlán SAN JERÓNIMO COATLÃN, 16.16667 -96.96667
TEX00238523 Dennis E. Breedlove|F. S. Kawahara 56437 1981-12-24
Mexico, Chiapas, Ocosingo, Near El Real, E of Ocosingo.
TEX00238524 Dennis E. Breedlove|F. S. Kawahara 47107 1980-11-03
Mexico, Chiapas, La Trinitaria, At Lagos de Colón Parque Natural near the Ruins of Lagarteros
TEX00238525 Dennis E. Breedlove|F. S. Kawahara 52106 1981-08-11
Mexico, Chiapas, Angel Albino Corzo, Above Finca Cuxtepec
TEX00238526 Dennis E. Breedlove|F. Almeda 48251 1980-12-04
Mexico, Chiapas, Ocosingo, 70 Km SW of Palenque on rd to Ocosingo along the Jol Uk'um
TEX00238527 Dennis E. Breedlove|F. S. Kawahara 40103 1976-09-12
Mexico, Chiapas, Angel Albino Corzo, Along Río Cuxtepeques near Finca Gadow
TEX00238528 Dennis E. Breedlove|F. S. Kawahara 38052 1974-10-04
Mexico, Chiapas, Cintalapa, At crest of ridge 3 Km E of Francisco Madero, NE of Cintalapa
TEX00419990 Dennis E. Breedlove|Frank Almeda 58325 1982-02-01
Mexico, Chiapas, Siltepec, On the ridge, above Siltepec on the road to Huixtla.
TEX00438371 M. A. Jaramillo|Rodrigo Duno de Stéfano 1010 2007-07-21
Mexico, Quintana Roo, 8km. en línea recta del centro de la ciudad de Chetumal, carretera de terrecería al margen derecho de la carretera Chetumal-Laguna Bacalar, muy cerca de la rotond del entronque para Belice., 19.08611 -88.59444
TEX00540607 Jose L. Vivaldi 72-172 1972-03-29
Guatemala, Peten, Collected near one of the temples of the main plaza, Tikal.
TEX00540639 Michael Nee|P. Romero 46822 1996-05-24
Belize, Cayo, West of Terra Novs Forest Reserve, near Eligio Cocom farm. 13 miles N of Iguana Creek Bridge over the Belize River, entering by Black Man Eddy from the Western Hwy., 17.35 -88.916666667
TEX00540640 Michael Nee|D. E. Atha 46981 1996-06-05
Belize, Corozal, NE side of Corozal, 1 km NE of central square., 18.396666667 -88.375
TEX00540641 Michael Nee 46813 1996-05-24
Belize, Cayo, Near Ix-Chel Farm, 8 km (by air) S of San Ignacio, west side of the Macal River., 17.1 -89.066666667
TEX00540644 Michael Nee|D. E. Atha|P. Romero|P. Meleady|J. Cordero 46910 1996-06-01
Belize, Toledo, along the Southern Hwy, 13.4 miles NE of the Rio Grande bridge., 16.4 -88.783333333
TEX00540646 John D. Dwyer 1250 1974-05-29
Belize, Belize, Southern Highway, 3-6 miles S of Belmopan.
TEX00540652 Janice Saunders 518 1980-08-01
Honduras, Colon, Trujillo, Capuchin Site West.
TEX00540653 Janice Saunders 323 1980-06-10
Honduras, Colon, Capuchin Site East, end of trail. 1.8 mi. strip on the north bank of rio Guaimoreto between old bridge and opening of Laguna Guaimoreto 4.5 mi. NE of Trujillo on old road to Castilla., 15.958333333 -85.908333333
TEX00540655 Fred A. Barkley 39680 1969-11-30
Honduras, Islas de la Bahia, Roatan, North slope of mountain.
TEX00540659 Warren Douglas Stevens|B. A. Krukoff 12243 1979-02-14
Nicaragua, Zelaya, Along new road from Rio Blanco to Rio Copalar, ca 26 km E of Rio Blanco., 12.833333333 -85