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Collection Profile for: Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University) (ASC)

This dataset is to serve as an example of how a natural history collection can be managed within a Symbiota portal. The Deaver collection is currently managing their data as a live dataset within SEINet network (http://swbiodiversity.org).



The Deaver Herbarium; Department of Biological Sciences
Northern Arizona University
P. O. Box 5640
Flagstaff, AZ   86011-5640

Collection Statistics

  • 78,183 specimen records
  • 74,856 (96%) georeferenced
  • 228 families
  • 1,285 genera
  • 4,955 species

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 21 May 2013
Global Unique Identifier: 17a53c97-835b-409e-8a9a-c9a7307a4965
Digital Metadata:EML File
Rights Holder: Deaver Herbarium
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