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Collection Profile for: Botanical Research Institute of Texas - TEST (BRIT-BRIT)

Collection Statistics

  • 118,070 specimen records
  • 26,824 (23%) georeferenced
  • 59,954 (51%) with images (59,962 total images)
  • 7,204 (6%) identified to species
  • 256 families
  • 1,131 genera
  • 2,012 species
  • 2,093 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 14 May 2024
Digital Metadata:EML File
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Achyranthes (8)
  • Acnida (1)
  • Alternanthera (9)
  • Amaranthus (18)
  • Atriplex (19)
  • Celosia (1)
  • Chenopodium (7)
  • Cycloloma (1)
  • Deeringia (7)
  • Froelichia (8)
  • Iresine (1)
  • Lithophila (14)
  • Monolepis (1)
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