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Collection Profile for: University of Texas collab with BRIT (TEX4BRIT)

Subset of BRIT records being worked on by UT-Austin students during the coronavirus outbreak.


Collection Statistics

  • 30,664 specimen records
  • 1,694 (6%) georeferenced
  • 30,664 (100%) with images (30,670 total images)
  • 24,724 (81%) identified to species
  • 131 families
  • 760 genera
  • 2,491 species
  • 2,933 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Show Geographic Distribution
Show Family Distribution
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 22 September 2020
Digital Metadata:EML File
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Arabidopsis (6)
  • Arabis (19)
  • Armoracia (1)
  • Barbarea (1)
  • Boechera (1)
  • Brassica (63)
  • Cakile (26)
  • Camelina (20)
  • Capsella (39)
  • Cardamine (28)
  • Cardaria (1)
  • Chorispora (2)
  • Dentaria (9)
  • Descurainia (28)
  • Dimorphocarpa (6)
  • Dithyrea (7)
  • Draba (36)
  • Dryopetalon (1)
  • Eruca (2)
  • Erysimum (17)
  • Halimolobos (3)
  • Leavenworthia (5)
  • Lepidium (59)
  • Lesquerella (84)
  • Lobularia (1)
  • Matthiola (1)
  • Nasturtium (1)
  • Nerisyrenia (6)
  • Raphanus (1)
  • Rapistrum (3)
  • Rorippa (10)
  • Schoenocrambe (2)
  • Selenia (2)
  • Sibara (3)
  • Sinapis (2)
  • Sisymbrium (8)
  • Stanleya (2)
  • Streptanthus (36)
  • Synthlipsis (17)
  • Thelypodium (2)
  • Thlaspi (5)
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