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Collection Profile for: University of Texas collab with BRIT (TEX4BRIT)

Subset of BRIT records being worked on by UT-Austin students during the coronavirus outbreak.


Collection Statistics

  • 30,664 specimen records
  • 1,694 (6%) georeferenced
  • 30,664 (100%) with images (30,670 total images)
  • 24,724 (81%) identified to species
  • 131 families
  • 760 genera
  • 2,491 species
  • 2,933 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Show Geographic Distribution
Show Family Distribution
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 22 September 2020
Digital Metadata:EML File
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Acacia (106)
  • Albizia (4)
  • Alhagi (1)
  • Amicia (1)
  • Amorpha (34)
  • Amphicarpa (3)
  • Apios (2)
  • Astragalus (252)
  • Baptisia (35)
  • Batidophaca (2)
  • Bradburya (2)
  • Caesalpinia (9)
  • Calliandra (2)
  • Cassia (199)
  • Centrosema (55)
  • Cercidium (10)
  • Cercis (13)
  • Chamaecrista (4)
  • Cladrastis (3)
  • Clitoria (4)
  • Cologania (2)
  • Colutea (1)
  • Coursetia (2)
  • Crotalaria (4)
  • Dalea (490)
  • Daubentonia (8)
  • Desmanthus (203)
  • Desmodium (229)
  • Erythrina (7)
  • Eysenhardtia (6)
  • Galactia (7)
  • Gleditsia (49)
  • Glottidium (16)
  • Glycyrrhiza (22)
  • Gymnocladus (1)
  • Hoffmannseggia (27)
  • Hoffmanseggia (48)
  • Hosackia (1)
  • Indigofera (188)
  • Kummerowia (3)
  • Lathyrus (97)
  • Lespedeza (363)
  • Leucaena (60)
  • Lotus (64)
  • Lupinus (253)
  • Macroptilium (7)
  • Medicago (296)
  • Meibomia (2)
  • Melilotus (269)
  • Mimosa (215)
  • Morongia (1)
  • Neptunia (129)
  • Orbexilum (5)
  • Oxytropis (20)
  • Parkinsonia (11)
  • Parosela (2)
  • Pediomelum (41)
  • Petalostemon (109)
  • Peteria (4)
  • Phaseolus (20)
  • Pithecellobium (35)
  • Pithecolobium (1)
  • Poinciana (4)
  • Pomaria (5)
  • Prosopis (161)
  • Psoralea (250)
  • Psoralidium (11)
  • Psorothamnus (5)
  • Pueraria (10)
  • Rhynchosia (196)
  • Robinia (32)
  • Schrankia (154)
  • Securigera (1)
  • Senegalia (86)
  • Senna (35)
  • Sesbania (193)
  • Sophora (130)
  • Sphaerophysa (4)
  • Strophostyles (174)
  • Stylosanthes (84)
  • Sutherlandia (1)
  • Swartzia (1)
  • Tephrosia (128)
  • Trifolium (323)
  • Vicia (366)
  • Vigna (18)
  • Wisteria (17)
  • Zornia (25)
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