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Collection Profile for: Oklahoma Vascular Plant Database (OVPD)

The Oklahoma Vascular Plants Database (OVPD) provides the citizens of Oklahoma, the scientific community, and others with the most current knowledge of Oklahoma plant distributions. The goal of the OVPD project is to database all Oklahoma Plant specimens housed in state herbaria. Specimen data have been recorded from the Bebb Herbarium (OKL) at the University of Oklahoma, and the herbaria at Oklahoma State University (OKLA), the University of Tulsa (TULS), University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (OCLA), Northeastern State University (NSU), Northwestern Oklahoma State University (NWOSU), Southeastern Oklahoma State University (SEOSU), Cameron University (CAMU), Oklahoma Panhandle State University, Oklahoma Biological Station, and the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT). Currently, there are 245,000+ specimens in the database. For each specimen, all information provided on the specimen label and annotation history are recorded. However, with an estimated 262,000 specimens of Oklahoma plants residing in state herbaria, the work is ongoing. Some taxa are more thoroughly represented than others. It is recommended that you visit the OVPD website regularly in order to view the most recent data. Also, note that the taxonomy follows the Integrated Taxonomic Information System.


Collection Statistics

  • 51,909 specimen records
  • 11,111 (21%) georeferenced
  • 28,597 (55%) identified to species
  • 168 families
  • 907 genera
  • 2,661 species
  • 2,287 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Show Family Distribution
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 1 June 2020
Digital Metadata:EML File
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