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Collection Profile for: pilotorch3 - Now OKLA for TORCH Georef testing (OKLA)

Contains OKLA from TX w/o Coords and OKLA from OK w/o Coords.


Collection Statistics

  • 64,033 specimen records
  • 22 (0.03%) georeferenced
  • 25,997 (41%) with images (26,291 total images)
  • 58,597 (92%) identified to species
  • 197 families
  • 1,240 genera
  • 4,406 species
  • 5,167 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 5 May 2023
Digital Metadata:EML File
Geographic Distribution - `
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