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Collection Profile for: 09 Trillium alabamicum sec. Farmer 2007 [G3]: 38 occurrences (FA07-FA07:09)

Collection code: FA07:09 || Collection name: 09 Trillium alabamicum sec. Farmer 2007 [G3]: 38 occurrences || Taxonomic concept label: 09 Trillium alabamicum sec. Farmer 2007 [G3] || Source (sec.): Farmer, S.B. 2007. Systematics of Trillium subgenus Delostylis. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. Available at https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss/4235 || Taxonomic name: Trillium alabamicum [Farmer 2007] - Ph.D. Thesis Name || Taxonomic name rank: Species || NatureServe conservation status: G3 || Identified by: NatureServe (L. Oliver, A. Frances) || Date identified: January 12, 2021 || Occurrence count: 38 || First upload date: February 16, 2021 || Compiled by: N.M. Franz, A. Frances, M. Lee, L. Oliver, C. Powell, et al. || Contact: nico.franz@asu.edu

Collection Statistics

  • 38 specimen records
  • 38 (100%) georeferenced
  • 1 families
  • 1 genera
  • 1 species

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 16 February 2021
Global Unique Identifier: 1d25e7b2-6021-406b-a6ba-bf877c7b9146
Digital Metadata:EML File
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