PLANT : Generally leafless trees, divaricately branched, densely thorny, to 7 meters tall; glands prominent. LEAVES : early deciduous, simple, oblong to obovate, 3–22 mm long, 2–5 mm wide. FLOWERS : in a lax, open raceme; calyx teeth 0.8–1.5 mm long, shorter than the tube. FRUIT : 4.2–5.3 mm long, glabrous except for marginal hairs at apex; with prominent glands. NOTES : Sandy washes and roadsides where moisture collects: La Paz, Maricopa, Mohave, Pima, Yavapai, and Yuma, cos. (Fig. 2D); 60–750 m (200–2400 ft); mainly Jun; CA, NV; Baja C., Son., Mex. REFERENCES : Rhodes, Suzanne, June Beasley and Tina Ayers. 2011. Fabaceae. CANOTIA 7: 1–13.
Plant: Shrub or tree 1.5-8 m, gray-canescent; Stem generally intricately branched Leaves: simple, early deciduous, 0.5-2 cm, oblanceolate, thick, gland-dotted INFLORESCENCE: raceme, generally dense, 5-15-flowered; axis extended beyond flowers, generally as a thorn; pedicels ± 1 mm Flowers: calyx 4.5-5 mm, lobes < tube; corolla 6-8 mm, blue-purple, petals all arising from receptacle; stamens 10, filaments partly fused; ovules generally 2 Fruit: legume, indehiscent, slightly exserted, glandular; Seed 1 Misc: Desert washes; < 400 m.; Jun-Jul