Plant: Perennial, mycotrophic herb; Flowering stems erect, fleshy, reddish-brown, densely glandular-hairy, 1-several from a dense spherical root mass, to 1 m tall, the inflorescence terminal Leaves: no green leaves INFLORESCENCE: terminal; bracts triangular, overlapping, clustered near base of stem, becoming reduced linear-lanceolate and scattered above, merging with the inflorescence bracts Flowers: nodding, whitish, yellow or pink, numerous in an elongate, open raceme-like inflorescence, at times clustered in groups of 2-5; sepals 5, separate, linear-lanceolate, glandular, to 5 mm long; corolla fused, urn-shaped, persistent, the lobes 5, reflexed; stamens 10, the filaments smooth; anthers ovoid with two recurved awns the length of the sacs; pollen grains four-grooved, many aborted; style short, columnar; stigma capitate, obscurely 5-lobed Fruit: FRUITS 5-locular, nodding, depressed-globose capsules, 8-12 mm wide; SEEDS ovoid, tapered to one end, with 5 ribs and a conspicuous rounded wing larger than the seed body Misc: Coniferous, especially pine, forests; 1800-2900 m (6000-9500 ft); Jun-Aug REFERENCES: Haber, Erich. 1992. Monotropaceae. Ariz.-Nev. Acad. Sci. 26(1)2.