Perennials, 40-80 cm. Leaves mostly opposite, distal sometimes alternate; petioles (0-)2-10 mm; blades (raised venation mostly including only midvein and primary laterals) ovate to trullate, mostly 3-6 cm, margins serrate. Heads in ± congested, compact clusters. Peduncles 0 or 1-2 mm, sessile-glandular and finely villous. Involucres 4-5.5(-6) mm. Phyllaries sessile-glandular and finely villous, apices rounded to blunt or obtuse. Corollas white or light pink, lobes sessile-glandular. Pappi shorter than corollas. Flowering Jun-Sep. Rocky sites; 1700-2400 m; Tex.; Mexico (Coahuila). The type of Stevia rhombifolia Kunth, a name that has been used for plants of var. texana, is referable to var. ovata.