PLANT: Subshrub, 1-4 dm tall, branching mostly below the middle; stems ascending to erect, glandular and pilose. LEAVES: opposite below, alternate above, palmately to pinnately lobed, the 3-9 lobes linear to narrowly oblong, glabrous to pubescent, spinulose, the upper leaves subtending clusters of short leaves. FLOWERS: calyx 6-10 mm long, glabrous to sparsely pubescent, the lobes slightly unequal, usually shorter than the tube; corolla nocturnal, closed during the day, salverform, 14-20(25) mm long, cream to ligh yelloworange, the throat often tinged lavender or purple; stamens 5, inserted on the upper tube; stigmas 3; ovary with 3 locules. NOTES: Sandy to rocky soils, shrubland, coniferous forest and woodland; Apache, Coconino, Navajo cos.; 1700-2100 m (5600-7000 ft); May-Sep. B.C. to MT, s to CA and NM. REFERENCES: Dieter H. Wilken and J. Mark Porter, 2005, Vascular Plants of Arizona: Polemoniaceae. CANOTIA 1: 1-37.