Herbs, terrestrial. Roots 3-10, from bases of newer corms, spongy. Stems produced in summer, solitary, subapical, opposite leaf, arising from ovate, angular corms. Leaves produced in autumn, persisting over winter, withering in spring, solitary; blade broad, ovate, pleated. Inflorescences lax racemes. Flowers resupinate, bilaterally asymmetric; lip with long, free basal spur; column slightly arcuate; anther terminal, deciduous but retained on pollinaria for short time; pollinia 4, in 2 pairs, yellow, attached to elastic caudicle 1 mm with basal viscidium; stigma entire; rostellum a 2-fid flap enclosing viscidium. Fruits capsules, pendent, ovoid. Seeds 0.5-0.6 mm.