Bulbs 3-5 cm, tunic reddish brown, membranous, with delicate fibers. Leaves 1-3 dm × 2-5 mm, margins not strongly undulate. Panicles 3-7 dm, branches ascending. Flowers vespertine, closing by following morning; tepals spreading but not strongly recurved, white with greenish yellow midveins, oblong, 8-12 mm at anthesis; stamens 8-12 mm, not exceeding tepals; anthers yellow, 1.5-3 mm; style long, 6-8 mm, or short, 2-4 mm; pedicel slender, 2-3 mm. Capsules 1.5-3 mm. 2n = 34. Flowering Apr--Jul. Heavy, usually rocky soils, valleys and hills; 0--500 m; Calif., Oreg.