INFLORESCENCE: occasionally interrupted once or more at lowest internodes; cymal clusters varying from few flowered to densely flowered, generally less crowded and radiating. FLOWERS: calyx varying from light green to purple, or combination thereof; tooth margins without whitish translucence, triangular to acuminate; costae pigmentation varying from similar to surrounding tissue, to green on purple calyx, to unpigmented; corolla varying from dark rosy-lavender to pinkish (rarely white). n = 9. NOTES: See also parent taxon. Pine oak (Pinus engelmannii Quercus rugosa) forest, meadows in mixed conifer aspen areas, sandy soil on canyon floors and mountain drainages: Apache, Cochise, Graham cos.; 1700 2400 m (5500 7800 ft); Jul Oct; w NM. REFERENCES: Christy, Charlotte M. 2003. Lamiaceae. J. Ariz. – Nev. Acad. Sci. Volume 35(2).