Leaves: basal and proximal cauline (2-)4-8 mm wide (cauline usually abruptly reduced in size near midstem, continuing distally as linear, bractlike leaves). Heads in dense (to loose), spiciform arrays. Involucres 7-9 mm. Phyllaries purplish to greenish. Florets 5-6(-8). 2n = 20. Flowering (Jul-)Aug-Oct(-Nov). Seeps, bogs, bog edges, wet pine and pine-palmetto flatwoods, wet ditches, canal banks, peaty sands, sandy clays; 0-30 m; Ala., Del., Fla., Ga., La., Md., Miss., N.J., N.C., S.C., Va. Variety resinosa is particularly variable (especially in Florida) in number of heads (often relatively few and widely separated) and in reduction of cauline leaves.