Stems 1.5-8.5 mm. Leaves 1.3-2 mm, distal laminal cells 6-10 µm. Perichaetial leaves 2-2.5 mm. Seta 3-7 mm. Capsule 0.6-0.9 mm; annulus of three rows of pale, thick-walled, quadrate cells; operculum 0.4-0.7 mm; peristome teeth 190-210 µm. Spores 16 µm. Capsules mature Jul-Aug. Alpine tundra, moderate to high elevations (to ca. 4200 m); Greenland; Alta., B.C.; Alaska, Colo.; Europe; Asia. Oreas martiana is easily recognized by its golden color, the very thick and deep polsters with only a few millimeters of living leaves and much brown material below. In fruit it is unmistakable, with pendent, cygneous setae and strongly ribbed capsules. In the Front Range of Colorado it appears to be particularly abundant.