PLANT: Usually tall plants with elongated stems. STEMS: 8‑22 cm long, usually extending above surface of leaf litter, usually elongated at end of growing season. LEAVES: basal blades ovate, deltate, or round, the base tapered or truncate, the tip obtuse, the margin deeply dentate‑serrate with 2‑4 mm acute or acuminate teeth, or obtuse lobes; cauline blades broad to narrow ovate, elliptic to lanceolate, the base tapered, the tip acute, the margin with 1‑2 mm teeth or lobes as in basal leaves. FLOWERS: pedicel to 15.5 cm long. 2n = 12 NOTES: Shaded slopes and riparian areas: Gila, Yavapai cos.; 1400‑1500 m (4600‑4900 ft); Apr‑May; CA. Rare in AZ. REFERENCES: Little, R. John. Violaceae. 2001. J. Ariz. – Nev. Acad. Sci. Volume 33(1).