Stems ascending, decumbent at base, much-branched distally, glabrate proximally, glandular-pubescent distally. Leaves: proximal, blade oblanceolate to lanceolate, 1.5-10 cm × 2-10(-20) mm, with short, ± retrorse pubescence on both surfaces, sometimes glandular; distal sessile, blade linear to lanceolate, reduced into inflorescence, 3-10 cm × 2-10(-20) mm, apex acute. Inflorescences well developed, (3-)5-many-flowered, open, compound, long-branched cymes, bracteate; bracts resembling distal leaves, reduced. Calyces broadly tubular, 12-26 × 4-6 mm in flower, to 8 mm broad in fruit, less than 1/2 as broad as long, narrowed to base. Capsules oblong. 2n = 96. Flowering spring-summer. Chaparral, oak woodlands, sea slopes and cliffs; 0-1200 mm; Calif.; Mexico. A very narrow-leaved form of subsp. laciniata from the cliffs of Santa Cruz Island off the coast of California has been named Silene simulans.