PLANT: Perennial herbs, 5 22 cm tall. STEMS: none; plants arising from thin, creeping rhizomes, forming late season stolons, glabrous. LEAVES: simple, basal, erect; stipules reddish; petioles 20 170 mm long; blades 20 65 mm long, 22 56 mm wide, ovate to round, crenate, the base cordate, the tip obtuse. INFLORESCENCE: scapose, the pedicels to 21 cm long. FLOWERS: sepal lobes 1 2 mm long, ear like; petals almost white to pale blue or violet, the tips acute, the 3 lower petals purple veined at base, the lateral 2 usually white bearded, the lowest petal (including spur) 8 17 mm long. FRUITS: 6 7 mm long, glabrous. 2n = 48. NOTES: Bogs, stream sides: Coconino co.; 2200 2400 m (7200 7900 ft); May Jul; circumboreal, n Eur. and Asia, AK to Labrador; WA s to n CA, e to CO, ME, NH. Known in AZ only from vicinity of Woods Canyon Lake; confused with V. palustris L. REFERENCES: Little, R. John. 2001. Violaceae. J. Ariz. – Nev. Acad. Sci. Volume 33(1).