Stem branches ascending, finely appressed-tomentulose. Leaves often fascicled; blades ± obovate to cuneate, 3-9 mm, 1(-2) times divided, ultimate lobes linear to narrowly spatulate, revolute, inconspicuously appressed-puberulent to tomentulose or glabrate, minutely gland-dotted. Peduncles slender, 2-3 cm, proximally bracteate, bracts remote, appressed, leaflike, distally usually ebracteate. Involucres 3-4 × 4-5 mm. Phyllaries: outer with relatively narrow scarious margins, inner with relatively broad, hyaline tips. Corollas ± goblet-shaped, 1.8-2+ mm. Cypselae gray-brown, 1.2-1.8 mm; pappi of 1-3, adaxial, ± truncate, erose to lacerate scales 0.6-1 mm. Flowering Apr-Sep. Grasslands, pinyon-juniper-oak scrub; 900-1600 m; introduced; Ariz., N.Mex.; s Africa; also introduced in Australia. Pentzia incana was introduced in Arizona from southern Africa by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service. It is valued in its native region as a browse plant.