Plant: annual or biennial herb; 3-75 cm tall Leaves: basal leaves elliptic to spatulate, petiolate, often forming a weak rosette, withering early; cauline leaves sessile, lanceolate, ovate, to oblanceolate, reduced upwards INFLORESCENCE: simple or compound cymes Flowers: 4- or 5-merous, few to many, sessile or short-pedicellate in simple or compound cymes; calyx tube prominent to very reduced, the lobes equal, unequal, sometimes with 1 lobe large, foliaceous; corolla lavender, white, or yellow, cylindric to narrowly funnelform, 1-2 cm long, the lobes ca. 1/2 the tube length, bearing free or united coronal hairs at their bases; pistil sessile or short stipitate Fruit: a capsule usually slightly exceeding the marcescent corolla. SEEDS smooth to papillose, globose to slightly flattened Misc: Wet meadows and forested areas; 1450-3500 m (4700-11500 ft) REFERENCES: Mason, Charles T. 1998 Gentianaceae. J. Ariz. – Nev. Acad. Sci. 30(2): 84.