PLANT : Slender, erect, pliant shrubs with a citrus aroma. STEMS : broom-like, unarmed, reddish or purplish brown, becoming whitish gray in age, with raised prickle-shaped glands, glabrate to sparsely strigose. LEAVES : alternate, deciduous, odd-pinnate, with 11–43 pairs of leaflets, these narrowly linear to narrowly obovate, acute, concavely folded, stipellate, glandular-punctate, glabrate to sparsely strigose; stipules minute, deciduous. INFLORESCENCE : a terminal, many-flowered, spikelike raceme, bracts inconspicuous. FLOWERS : yellowish, apetalous; calyx turbinate or campanulate, the tube obscurely ribbed near base and bearing sparse orangebrown glands, with 5 broad, short teeth, these with fine short hairs on the margins; stamens 10, with filaments yellowish, distinct or nearly so, unequal, the longest exserted 2.0–3.5 mm from the calyx at anthesis; anthers yellowish; ovary 2-ovuled. FRUIT : a one seeded, indehiscent pod, exserted from the calyx, obliquely oblongobovoid, glabrous, conspicuously reddish-brown gland-dotted, beaked by a persistent style. NOTES : Monotypic genus of the Colorado Plateau and upper Rio Grande Valley. (for C. C. Parry). Barneby, Rupert C. 1989. Parryella pp. 28–29 in Intermountain Flora, Vol. 3, Part B. Bronx, NY; New York Bot. Gard. REFERENCES : Rhodes, Suzanne, June Beasley and Tina Ayers. 2011. Fabaceae. CANOTIA 7: 1–13.