STEMS: 8-35 cm tall, slender scarcely angled, sparingly branched, hirsute with long straight hairs. LEAVES: 2.5-4.5 cm long, lanceolate, conspicuously several-veined, the bases expanded and somewhat sheathing the florescence; stipular sheath short, few-toothed, together with the expanded leaf bases, set with long bristly hairs. FLOWERS: calyx lobes acicular, bristly at base; corolla 7-8 mm long, pink or purple, the tube very slender, the lobes spreading; ovary didymous, nearly glabrous. NUTLETS: glabrous. NOTES: Moist soil in canyon bottoms and hillsides: Cochise, Santa Cruz cos.; 1050-1300 m (3500-4300 ft); Aug-Sep; n Mex. REFERENCES: Dempster, Lauramay T. 1995. Rubiaceae. J. Ariz. – Nev. Sci. 29(l): 29.