Trees or shrubs, to 15 m. Stems and buds glabrate or sparsely reddish pubescent. Leaf blades broadly to narrowly elliptic, 6-13 × 1-3 cm, fleshy-chartaceous, thin and ± papery when dry, base cuneate, apex ± acute, surfaces glabrate. Inflorescences loose, 3-7 cm; buds and branches sparsely reddish pubescent or glabrate. Flowers: staminate yellowish green; perianth widely funnelform, 3-4 mm, sparsely puberulent or glabrate; fruiting pedicel 2-3 mm. Fruits 5-8 × 2-3 mm upon drying. Flowering summer. Hammocks, pine-scrub; 0-100 m; Fla.; West Indies. Guapira discolor appears in the flora only along the southern coast of Florida and in the Florida Keys.