Bulbs without basal bulbels, 1.5-2 × 2-2.5 cm; inner coat cells somewhat contorted. Leaves 3-6; blade 1-5 mm wide, margins entire or denticulate. Scape solitary, 10-30 cm. Umbel 5-25-flowered, producing capsules and seeds, bulbils almost unknown; spathe bracts 3, ovate. Flowers fragrant, 5-7 mm; tepals erect, deep pink, ± thick; pedicel linear, stout, subequal, 15-22 mm. 2n = 28. Flowering Mar--early Apr. Known only from c coastal plain where it grows on prairies; 0--200 m; Tex. Allium canadense var. ecristatum is endemic to Texas and was first published as a nomen nudum under A. reticulatum.