Stems not branching, 0.3-2 dm. Leaves: basal persistent, 1-2 dm; blade linear, flat. Inflorescences 1-10-flowered. Flowers erect to spreading; perianth open, campanulate; sepals oblong-lanceolate, ca. 10 mm, glabrous, apex acuminate; petals light blue, obovate, 8-12 mm, adaxial surface hairy only distal to gland, margins ciliate to apex, apex acuminate; glands slightly depressed, bordered proximally by ciliate membrane, distally by short hairs; anthers oblong, apex acute to acuminate. Capsules nodding, not winged, 1-2 cm, apex acute. Seeds irregular. 2n = 20. Flowering late spring--mid summer. Open gravelly places in woods; 600--2500 m; Calif. Calochortus coeruleus appears to intergrade with C. tolmiei to some extent, especially in petal ciliation (K. L. Chambers, pers. comm.), and it might better be treated as a variety of the latter, more widespread species.