Stems usually not branching, 1-3 dm, proximal internodes very short; bulblet in axil of cauline leaf at or below ground surface. Leaves single; basal persistent, 2-3 dm; blade linear. Inflorescences 1-4-flowered. Flowers erect; perianth open, campanulate; sepals ovate-lanceolate, 15-20 mm, apex acuminate; petals light pink to ± lavender, with red-purple adaxial crescent distal to gland, widely obovate-cuneate, 20-30 mm, not ciliate, with a few long hairs; glands bordered proximally by ciliate membrane, distally by short hairs; filaments twice length of anthers; anther apex obtuse to abruptly short-tipped. Capsules erect, 3-winged, ellipsoid to ± globular, 2-3 cm. Seeds light brown, irregular. Recent collections of Calochortus longebarbatus from Oregon exhibit intergradation in the characters that heretofore have been thought to distinguish the following two varieties (K. L. Chambers, pers. comm.), and their continued recognition may prove unwarranted.