Pseudostems absent. Inflorescences from rhizome branch without basal leaves [projecting among basal leaves], dense, cylindric; bracts of main axis crowded, [2--]4--9 cm, ovate to narrowly ovate or rectangular; cincinni sessile, 2--7-flowered, enclosed in bracts; bracteoles small, inconspicuous, hidden by bracts. Flowers: calyx short-cylindric, minutely 2--3-toothed, split down one side; corolla tube funnelform, lobes ovate or oblong; filament rectangular, plane; anther enclosed in corolla, base spurred, terminal appendage sometimes present, lingulate; lateral staminodes large, petal-like, lip concave, rounded or 2-fid. Fruits capsule, ellipsoid. x = 11, 21.