Caudices simple or 1-3-branched, 1-3 cm diam. Leaves: rosettes 1-5; blade oblong-lanceolate or tapering from base, subterete, 5-10 × 0.5-2 cm. Inflorescences: floral shoots 5-25 × 0.2-0.6 cm; proximalmost leaf blades 10-30 mm; branches 2-3, simple. Pedicels 1-5 mm. Flowers: calyx 4-6 × 4-5 mm; petals connate 1.5-3 mm, straw yellow, marked with purplish red, 9-14 × 3-3.5 mm, tips erect. 2n = 34. Flowering late spring. Serpentine soil; of conservation concern; 100-600 m; Calif. Subspecies murina is locally common on serpentine soil near San Luis Obispo.