Plants 5-12(-15) dm. Aerial flowering stems occasionally slightly fistulose, 3-6 dm, tomentose. Leaves sheathing; blade 1-3 × 1-1.5 cm, tomentose abaxially, thinly floccose or glabrous adaxially, margins undulate-crisped. Inflorescences cymose, 50-100 × 30-60 cm; branches tomentose. Involucres 1-2 per cluster, 4-6 mm, tomentose. Flowers 3-4 mm; perianth white, glabrous. Flowering Jul-Oct. Deep sandy flats and slopes, chaparral communities, oak and pine woodlands; 90-200 m; Calif. Variety decurrens is restricted to the Ben Lomand sand hills area of Santa Cruz County, where it is uncommon.